View Full Version : DT interrupts

- 14th November 2011, 00:53
I know from experience that PBP has issues with real interrupts (timer interrupts in ASM). Especially when you have basic sandwiched in between. Corrupted registers and all. Why hasn't melabs incorporated DT's interrupts? or their version that achieves the same thing. It seems like this would be low hanging fruit for improvement.....am I alone on this??

Any comments that can shed some light on this are welcome. I know that other compilers seem to have a work around to this issue, coming from the compiler writers....not necessarily the user community.

BTW...thanks DT for such a useful tool....saved me from going insane at times.


- 14th November 2011, 07:15
Personally I wouldn't call it issues.... It's just the way it works and there should be NO corrupted registers if you DON'T use PBP statements in your ISR's - have you experienced that?

I have no idea of how other compilers are working, if they are using similar scheme with system variables like PBP, and/or their performance when it comes to latency etc. As far as I understand the way to work around it in PBP IS to do exactly what DT-INTS does. However my point is that if MELABS changed the way PBP handles interrupts and incorporated DT-INTS then perhaps we wouldn't have the luxuary to select the best method for the task at hand. DT-INTS (with PBP handlers) are GREAT for ease of use but not so great when you need high speed.

However, I'm all for any improvements, in any area so if something good comes up I'd be happy too.


- 18th November 2011, 05:40
Really MElabs, this seems like an honest question...
shed some light on this.

We obviously like (love) programming in PBP...

It seems to me that you(MElabs) need to do all you can to keep interest alive and try and get new customers to use your excellent PBP. Remaining silent on honest questions about PBP does not encourage loyalty.

Darrel Taylor
- 18th November 2011, 17:36
One of the many great things about PBP is that you can create "Modules" of reusable code that can be "Included" in your code to extend it's capabilities.
DT_INTS is a good example of that.

It provides everything needed to easily run Basic Language Interrupts, Assembly Language Interrupts, with multiple sources and priorities.

There's no need to add it to PBP.

- 19th November 2011, 15:18
While I see your point, Darrel...

one of the things that the newbie (read... new PBP prospective buyer $$) is potentially evaluating various compilers for ease of getting into and being able to get off the ground making projects and having FUN with these amazing Microcontrollers... whether it be Microchip/PBP or HiTec-C or Atmel/Arduino... yada-yada.

Your excellent Instant Ints. is only available to those who do the necessary research and dig and spend time here to even learn that it exists and how to impliment.

If PBP had some(all) the other include files, that you and others have created, were bundled with PBP... whether it be completely integrated or as they are now... as include files. And (I think) MOST IMPORTANTLY advertised and lots of excitement generated to attract potential buyers, or possibly made easily available on MELabs website or here(or both), then I think the potential for continued growth of the PBP community is enhanced.

If newbie users of PBP are not ACTIVELY attracted, assisted and encouraged then what is to become of the future of this most excellent BASIC compiler??

I realize that these various include files are the intellectual property of the various "artists" who created them.

It just seems that there could be more hype and excitement generated to improve the user base of PBP.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this post... other than to spend a little time on my rickety soap box. Not intended to offend or complain... rather to have some healthy discussion.

- 19th November 2011, 15:29
MeLabs should at least put Darrel's stuff in their code example section.

- 19th November 2011, 20:12
MeLabs should at least put Darrel's stuff in their code example section.

I double that with the addition of a documentation since some of the nice features of DT-INTS are left to be discovered by the user I think.


- 26th November 2011, 22:46
MeLabs should at least put Darrel's stuff in their code example section.

I second this motion and strongly urge MeLabs to do it. If the DT_INTs were posted on their code example section with some explanatory documentation it would greatly aid newbies in adapting their use, as well as be an "attraction" to PBP as Heckler points out. Plus it would probably reduce the posting frequency of questions regarding DT_INTs on this forum and reduce DT's workload in answering them.
Regards, John

- 29th November 2011, 23:34
I also agree that Darrel's Fantastic Instant Interrupts should be on MEL's website.
However I feel that Darrel would have EVEN LESS time time to work on the future products
that a little birdie let slip in a recent conversation with Charles.
I feel the future looks very bright for MEL!
All we need is a little patience, things will get better.

Terry K9HA