View Full Version : return for GOSUB not working

- 11th November 2011, 05:17

Running into a little problem. When My Gosub functions ends, it does not return. Instead it stalls there and Both buttons do not work.. I have RB2 for Select and RB3 for Next (buttons) when it finished the minutes, the LCD freezes and nothing happens... some have a clue??

'/////////// SetProgrammerTime ////////////
pause 400

while Selection = 0 ' exit when selection becomes 1 Selection is a buton and next1 is another button on the main panel

lcdout $FE,1, "Set Time?"
lcdout $FE,$C0, "Next or Select"
pause 300

if NextOption=1 then return 'button NextOption,


ThisYear = 2011
Pause 500
while Selection = 0 ' exit when selection becomes 1 Selection is a buton and next1 is another button on the main panel

lcdout $FE,1, "Set Year"
lcdout $FE,$C0, dec4 ThisYear
pause 300

if NextOption=1 then ThisYear = ThisYear +1 'Button on NextOption (PORTB.3)


ThisMonth= 1
Pause 500
while Selection = 0 'exit when selection becomes 1 Selection is a buton and next1 is another button on the main panel

lcdout $FE,1, "Set Month"
lcdout $FE,$C0, dec2 ThisMonth
pause 300

if NextOption=1 then ThisMonth=ThisMonth +1 : pause 50
if ThisMonth > 12 then ThisMonth = 1


ThisDay= 1
Pause 500
while Selection = 0 ' exit when selection becomes 1 Selection is a buton and next1 is another button on the main panel

lcdout $FE,1, "Set Day"
lcdout $FE,$C0, dec2 ThisDay
pause 300

if NextOption=1 then ThisDay=ThisDay +1
if ThisDay > 31 then ThisDay = 1

ThisHour= 0
Pause 500
while Selection = 0 ' exit when selection becomes 1 Selection is a buton and next1 is another button on the main panel

lcdout $FE,1, "Set Hour"
lcdout $FE,$C0, dec2 ThisHour
pause 300

if NextOption=1 then ThisHour=ThisHour +1
if ThisHour > 59 then ThisHour = 1


ThisMin= 0
Pause 500
while Selection = 0 ' exit when selection becomes 1 Selection is a buton and next1 is another button on the main panel

lcdout $FE,1, "Set Min"
lcdout $FE,$C0, dec2 ThisMin
pause 300

if NextOption=1 then ThisMin=ThisMin +1
if ThisMin > 59 then ThisMin = 0


Pause 300

'I2CWRITE SDApin,SCLpin,$D0,$00,[$00,ThisMin,ThisHour,$6,ThisDay,ThisMonth,ThisYear ,$00] ' Writes to DS1307
'Pause 30


- 12th November 2011, 02:57

Running into a little problem. When My Gosub functions ends, it does not return. Instead it stalls there and Both buttons do not work.. I have RB2 for Select and RB3 for Next (buttons) when it finished the minutes, the LCD freezes and nothing happens... some have a clue??

Hmmm, I don't see anything wrong in your SetProgrammerTime sub-routine :confused:. The problem might be in your main code after the line GOSUB SetProgrammerTime. See how far the code runs before it freezes.
