View Full Version : matrix led array( moving singboard )

- 8th April 2005, 07:12
ı wanna 5x8 matrix led display with pic16fx
Can you please post it here the sample source code and circuit picture?

- 8th April 2005, 12:56
How about a fully assembled and working solution shipped to you free of charge?

- 11th April 2005, 10:59
i wanna 5x7 matrix with movig sing.
can you help me.
1. circuit sheme
2. picbasic code

thank you very much...

- 11th April 2005, 14:06
There you go...


Go buy one, take it apart, and you'll have your circuit and software.

I have read your request - I don't need Private Messages repeating the same thing.

I want a lot of things too... unfortunately Santa didn't bring them... so I'm stuck here working for a living whilst he's on a beach in Rio (which is where I should be).

So... why don't you make an effort... Google is a good start.

- 11th April 2005, 15:41
I'm not sure he made it to Rio. Don't rely too much on him for this project.

This is your man!

* * *

- 11th April 2005, 17:42

this clarifies why he didn't bring all those things Mel (and many others) were waiting for.

Probably he has not been told,
but some navigation lights and a radar reflector could have helped to avoid this.

(Instead he was relying on Rudolph's Red nose being bright enough to be seen)

We aren't off topic, are we?