View Full Version : Serial Data Recorder

- 7th April 2005, 22:55
I want to build a "portable" firmware serial recorder which will record RS232 data to memory, then play it back at a later point in time. (to capture voltage readings from a serial DMM). I figure I can use a real small PIC, like a 12F675, but I am not sure what to use for memory. Is there an easy to use, inexpensive, solid state memory I can use with a PIC for this?

It would be real nice if I could leverage a USB memory stick, but I think that USB may be too complicated.


- 8th April 2005, 01:49
FRAM... not the cheapest but the simplest.

- 8th April 2005, 12:45

since you are picking up data packets from a DMM I guess there is not that much Data.
A serial EEPROM (I2C) would be an inexpensive way and is easy to handle with PBP.
You should consider to add an RTC (like DS1307)
to timestamp you log entries.

RAMTRON have solutions (FRAM+RTC) on a a single chip.