View Full Version : HOWTO Convert character to Decimal

- 4th April 2005, 13:55

I'm using the serin commando to recieve 4 karakters like "2560"
now i need to convert this four karakters to the decimal value 2560
has any body a idee.

SERIN2 is no option!!!

- 4th April 2005, 16:27
Hello NL2TTL,

N>>I'm using the serin commando to recieve 4 karakters like "2560"
now i need to convert this four karakters to the decimal value 2560
has any body a idee.<<

since is is always a 4 character situation... use the dig command.

PSUEDO code:

Decimal var word 'byte is no good, because you are using 4 digits
counter var byte

For counter= 3 to 0 Step -1
Number=Data Dig counter
Decimal=Decimal + (Number *(10^counter))
Next counter

SerOut Decimal (a decimal representation of your 4 numbers.)

I am at work, so I cannot give you the exact working code. but the above is very very close.


- 4th April 2005, 17:00
PBP already handle it for you

SERIN2 Serpin, Baudrate,[DEC4 MyVar]