View Full Version : Premade PCB for PIC

- 27th August 2011, 03:02
Hi Guys

Has anyone seen a premade PCB for a pic with 5v Voltage regulator and Oscillator on it? Something like this one for example http://nicegear.co.nz/arduino-boards/arduino-pro-mini-5v/ (http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardNano) This one has got plenty of pins 16Mhz oscillator plenty of memory and 15 to 5 v voltage regulator on it. All of it is in a very small package that can be soldered to a veroboard and become a core of a simple project.


- 27th August 2011, 03:16
Yep - it's called the BasicStamp.

- 27th August 2011, 03:27

I know Lester likes these ;D

- 27th August 2011, 03:57
These aren't quite out yet, so the documentation is a bit low right now. It's a board based on a PIC18F47J53. It's a 3.3v chip, but it has 10 5v tolerant pins. Most of these pins are available at the bottom of the board, and can be plugged into a breadboard. Comes with a 5v and 3.3v regulator, and is able to talk to 3.3v or 5v devices. The mappable pins make it quite nice to move ports where you want them. It is bigger than the Nano, but a lot smaller than the shield.


http://www.scalerobotics.com (http://www.scalerobotics.com/products/product_info.php/cPath/23/products_id/29)

- 27th August 2011, 06:38
Thanks a lot everyone for your replies. These all look very interesting.

- 27th August 2011, 06:41
There's also the UBW. I like the 44 pin, but no one sells it. You have to make it. http://www.schmalzhaus.com/UBW/ The 28 pin device can be purchased at www.sparkfun.com.