View Full Version : Pic Basic Pro, MPLAB X, Mac???

- 23rd August 2011, 21:47
Hi All,

I have just started looking at using MPLAB X on my MacBook and noticed that Pic Basic Pro is listed as a tool suite (albeit being "Not Found" since it it obviously not installed on my mac).

Along with developing MPLAB X as cross platform Microchip have ported their C compilers and Hi-Tech have done the same.

Now I realise that PBP being listed is likely just a bug due to the cross platform nature, but it made me wonder whether there has been any thought put towards porting PBP to run on Mac now that MPLAB X is set to be a viable Mac IDE?

Has anyone heard about any goings on in this department? Are there others out there that would like to see this happen?

Any thoughts on the subject of native Mac PBP are welcome, but not really interested in anyone talking about Bootcamp or Parallels.



Darrel Taylor
- 23rd August 2011, 23:39
PBP3 is fully compatible with MPLAB-X running under windows.

There are NO plans to make it run on a MAC.

- 23rd August 2011, 23:56
I thought MPLAB was Windows only ?
The is a version from Micrchip for Macs?

- 24th August 2011, 00:02
MPLAB X (http://www.microchip.com/en_US/family/mplabx/index.html)... IS cross-platform, unusable and buggy :)

I've never and will never understand why they are doing that since Mac & Linux are about 15% of the market ...

- 24th August 2011, 00:19
That is interesting.
is it buggier than using wine? Wine seems to work well with PBP. I quit using MPLAB though.

- 24th August 2011, 00:50
...since Mac & Linux are about 15% of the market ...
I doubt they have that much marketshare. Statistics (http://marketshare.hitslink.com/operating-system-market-share.aspx?qprid=8) based on browser hits show Mac at ~6% and Linux at ~1% with that teeny share divided among hundreds of different distributions. Linux seems to have a significant share of the server market only. I've been developing for all three platforms for a few years and each major update (annual or semi-annual) of the 8-10 most popular Linux distributions (out of over 1000) inevitably break something that worked fine before. I'm ready to abandon Linux altogether as it requires far more effort than it's worth.

- 24th August 2011, 01:06
Interesting stats you have, the opne I found was based on the sale, however it's still a small market ;)

You can develop hardware for any platform, it is generally not a problem if you can use/deal with generic classes/driver OR untill you need to develop the computer software side. In my case, I develop software only for Windows.

- 24th August 2011, 01:18
Interesting stats you have...
...I develop software only for Windows.
Here are many more statistics (http://www.bing.com/search?q=os+marketshare+browser+hits&form=OSDSRC).

I do software for all three to interface with the hardware I've designed.

Of course, one other salient point is that the Linux aficianados are over represented in the techie experimenter area so they probably represent a bigger share of the market for PIC based hardware.

- 24th August 2011, 01:43
I did, but no longer do it. Out of curiosity, what are you using QT? Mono? wxWidgets? else?

- 24th August 2011, 02:39
Purebasic. (http://www.purebasic.com/)