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View Full Version : compile problem microcode studio plus 3

- 16th August 2011, 18:43
Hello, im new entry, I need help compile problem, microcode studio plus 3 does not work input ports.
The output port work.
Microcode has worked well until three days ago, do not know what to do.

- 16th August 2011, 20:02
Mirror mirror on the wall, can you see where I put my crystal ball?

Sorry, just funning with you. We need lots more information from you. Start with what chip and posting your code. Also system stuff. Do you have mplab installed? What version?

Charles Linquis
- 17th August 2011, 02:25
Microcode Studio is an editor / environment. Not a compiler or assembler. Blaming Microcode Studio for bad code is like blaming Microsoft WORD for a bad term paper.

- 17th August 2011, 02:34
But Charles, can you really pass an operatunity to ame Microsoft? The term paper was prolly bad because the writer lost their train of thought while waiting for their putter to reboot as suggested by the pop up in win7

Charles Linquis
- 17th August 2011, 02:46
I have become more MS friendly lately. First, because I have Win7 running on an i7/2600K overclocked to 4.3Ghz and a RAID array. Nothing Windows can do will slow this 'baby' down. And second, I bought a iPad2. Have you ever tried to move files into/out of an iPad? It is iTunes or the highway. And every few days, I have to reboot it because Safari turns all web pages dark (known bug). Oh, and try to watch movies in AVI, MPG or Flash...

Two things mkydj73 should try: Check the TRIS register for the port, and in the VIEW/COMPILER options, check whether you are using PM or MPASM.

- 17th August 2011, 03:25
Pins with A/D enabled will work fine as an output, but will read 0 when the port pin is read. Make sure you disable A/D for whatever pins you're trying to read as digital inputs. And of course make sure the pin is an input.

- 17th August 2011, 10:04
Thanks for the answer
I worked with MPLAB 6.6 - 8.10--mplabx, everything works until three days ago, I uploaded several listings but the problem remains.
Code is no problem, once had the same problem, reinstall solved, now do not go

- 17th August 2011, 10:11
I tried different solutions, mp, MPASM, but if I have not changed anything because now it does not go?
I use xp pro sp2

- 17th August 2011, 10:17
Excuse my bad English, microcode is definitely not guilty, but because only the inputs?

- 17th August 2011, 10:38
Please post your code and tell us which chip you're using. Without that it's next to impossible to give you any help - except for what Bruce already have given you. It doesn't matter if it worked two days ago and now not, post your code so we can take a look at it.

If this is a large program, try reducing it as much as possible to illustrate the problem.