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View Full Version : how can I increase the size of HID usb buffer?

- 27th July 2011, 20:19
hello everybody,

I would increase the maximum buffer size of my hid usb device (18F2550)
I used easyhid to write a little exemple

I can increase the size to 64 (input or output) but not more
I would a 128 buffer size input/output

How can I do it if it's possible?


Darrel Taylor
- 27th July 2011, 20:54
Send 2 reports of 64 bytes.

HID is limited to 64 byte reports. You cannot increase it.

- 27th July 2011, 21:06
thanks you

so it's for that I find nothing to increase it
I would prefer one buffer of 128 bytes but it's impossible :'(