View Full Version : Receiving (Relatively) High Speed Serial Data

- 29th March 2005, 23:40

I'm in the beginning stages of a project where one master PIC (likely a 16F88 @ 20 MHz) will be sending serial data to a string of 20-30 12F629s.

The smaller chips will be running on the internal oscillator @ 4 MHz. And no, they don't have a USART.

The repeating data stream will consist of a start character and 3-byte 'chunks' for each downstream PIC, ie

'*', 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C ... 29A, 29B, 29C

Each downstream PIC will be hard-programmed to listen only for data relating to its address, ie 1, 2 or 3... 29

My question:

How can I *reliably* get these downstream clockless wonders to receive data at speads greater than 9600 baud? I'd love for them to receive at 19,200 if I can pull it off.

This would let me update my data stream at a rate of 30 Hz or so...



- 30th March 2005, 04:40
maybe DEBUG statement can work fine... better than serin or serin2 i think. Don't forget to set the OSCCAL and it suppose to work.

- 2nd July 2012, 11:16
Is it possible to Send/Receive data at 9600/19200 with 4MHz internal OSC?