View Full Version : serial in data needs nib

- 4th June 2011, 04:00
I have serial data that needs to be read, example 9 and D if I use a byte value it locks up so I never get to the D. I must echo each character to get the next so I cannot get both which is what I need 9D is what I need to come out with. I prototyped with a stamp it would catch the first character but was not fast enough for the second some of the times. I used a var byte and seriin for highnib and lownib of that byte. I tried 4 bit var it did not get it correct

any ideas

- 4th June 2011, 05:35
I seem to have the byte variable working
a var word
a.highbyte and a.lowbyte but when I serout a I get lowbyte only if i serout a.highbyte and a.lowbyte it shows both values.

I have tried || ^^ && they seem to do nothing on the value I need both byte combined if I get 9 and then D I need 9D

- 4th June 2011, 06:22
Are you using any modifiers?

1) A string constant is output as a literal string of characters.
2) A numeric value (either a variable or a constant) will send the corresponding ASCII character. Most notably, 13 is carriage return and 10 is line feed.
3) A numeric value preceded by BIN will send the ASCII representation of its binary value. For example, if B0 = 8, then BIN B0 (or BIN 8) will send "1000".
4) A numeric value preceded by DEC will send the ASCII representation of its decimal value. For example, if B0 = 123, then DEC B0 (or DEC 123) will send "123".
5) A numeric value preceded by HEX will send the ASCII representation of its hexadecimal value. For example, if B0 = 254, then HEX B0 (or HEX 254) will send "FE".
6) REP followed by a character and count will repeat the character, count time. For example, REP A0"\4 will send "0000".
7) STR followed by a byte array variable and optional count will send a string of characters. The string length is determined by the count or when a 0 character is encountered in the string.

- 4th June 2011, 12:20
I am not sure what you are asking. Do you mean when you receive first byte and it's 9, then the second byte is D, you want to put these together as 1 byte 9D?
To do that try this:

byte1 var byte
Byte2 var byte
Result var byte
Byte 1=byte 1<<4 ' shift low nibble to high nibble
Result =byte1 + byte2

Now if this is not the question, can you please explain more?