View Full Version : Copied all files 2nd pc - error messages

- 3rd June 2011, 17:23
I copied all files to my shop PC and now can't compile any ideas what I can try??

ERROR: Unable to execute mpasmwin.Error[118] C:\PBP\FILES\CC.ASM 106 : Overwriting previous address contents (2007)
Halting build on first failure as requested.
BUILD FAILED: Fri Jun 03 09:11:58 2011

- 3rd June 2011, 18:26
Changed to PM.exe and still getting error

Executing: "C:\PBP\PM.EXE" -ampasmwin -k# -p16F628A "CC.BAS"
Skipping link step. Not all sources built successfully.
BUILD FAILED: Fri Jun 03 10:24:54 2011

Darrel Taylor
- 3rd June 2011, 19:16
That's not how you use PM.exe.

If you are using microcode studio, simply uncheck the "Use MPASM" checkbox under View > Compile and Program Options > Assembler tab.

The overwriting previous address contents means you haven't commented out the default __config's in the .inc file.

- 4th June 2011, 03:52
Thanks Darrel
you got me thinking in the setup i needed pbmplab.bat and had the ini files on this computer not commented out.