View Full Version : 3 axis digital compass sensor HMC5883L

- 1st June 2011, 17:13
Anyone had experience with a 3 axis compass (or specifically the HMC5883L) they can share? We have code working to grab the I2C data for all three axis. However, for some reason, the Y axis (though centered when you have the Y axis perpendicular the earths magnetic pole = 0), when pointed directly at it, gets around 410, and pointed directly away from it get about -605. X and Z axis seem to be more believeable at within 10 or 20 or so when flipped 180 degrees. The code to grab and manipulate the data is the same for all axis. No, we don't have any electromagnets on the board :D Tested a few different sensor boards (of the same design), with same result.

Edit: Self test function gives -1138 and 1154 on the Y axis, similar to X and Z. Gain is set to default: 001

- 8th June 2014, 22:19

I just found this original post on here,

I am thinking of using same chip in one of my projects ..I wonder , how did you progress?

Did you progress??

Thank you for any pointers good or bad
