View Full Version : How do you pass parameters to Microchip's HID BootLoader.exe ? Is it possible?

- 9th May 2011, 19:17
I tried a couple common parameters for programmers, but no luck. Does anyone know a way to pass programming parameters like hexfile and target device to the Microchip HID USB BootLoader? It would be handy to use it as a programmer in MicroCode Studio, and save a few clicks.

Something like
/DPIC"$target-device$" $long-hex-filename$

But different .... maybe .........



- 10th May 2011, 16:43
Here's the answer I got from the microchip forum: You can't pass parameters without modifying the PC code for the bootloader. At least Microchip provides the source .... C:\Microchip Solutions v2010-10-19\USB Device - Bootloaders\HID - Bootloader\HID Bootloader - PC Software, but it is too bad you can't pass the parameters as is.


- 10th May 2011, 16:49
looks like another reason we need our own PBP BL