View Full Version : MCSP icons

- 4th May 2011, 12:31
Hi, I have been using MCSPlus for a long time on my trusty XP machine, and last week I upgraded my system to Windows 7, and re-installed, and re-configured MCSP. Now, although it is working perfectly, there is one change that I find distracting; while earlier, I used to have just icons on the toolbar, now I have icons with legends. This takes up more space on the bar than what it used to, and therefore spills over to the next line. However much I tried, I couldnt find the option to get just the icons, without the legends.

Somehow, I dont think this issue is to do with Windows 7 at all, just the way MCSPlus has got configured by default.

Do any of you guys have any suggestions that might resolve this?

Thanks and Regards,
