View Full Version : Project ideas

- 3rd May 2011, 13:26
I just made a digital clock that uses a keypad to set time and i need a project idea for next year

- 3rd May 2011, 13:28
Graphic clock maybe ?

- 4th May 2011, 00:08
Recently I have completed a single 5x7 scrolling sign that displays serial input. I made it small and modular so that it could be used during troubleshooting larger, more complex circuits (like debug, but more portable). It uses only a 5X5 matrix for letters/ numbers as I had hoped to use remaining rows for continuity testing, pin high/low lights, maybe even a button or two (as LEDS are light sensitive as well), but I failed because of multiplexing and common pins - next version will be hand wired LEDs so that my plan will work.

I am now breadboarding (BB) a modular 5V supply that will use this principle to display circuit drain of BBed circuits... we will see, I am a NOOB at electronics.

I think if (or when) I was smart enough I might make PWM output on a pin as well and have many troubleshooting tools that I made. I think it is only a master craftsman that makes his tools too.

Maybe these ideas seem good to you too?

If not... Parallax sells a reflective light sensor that sees 64 grays. Maybe you could build a music machine by making shade=tone and length=duration? strips of paper from a printer could play songs.

How about an earthquake detector? Two pipes in the ground a few feet apart. One pipe holds a laser module the other a photo-resistor. Vibration should make the photo-resister vary output... It would not work well in the rain, but if the ground shakes on a sunny day :) you will know how much.

I think I might make a thermometer that uses a fan to blow a ping-pong ball up a tube to show the right temperature--or two tubes to show hours and minutes of a clock. A relay to knock one up another tube once for each second could drive someone crazy.

One day I might build a scale that weighs by pouring colored water into a tube on one side, then tells the weight by measuring the opacity (or resistance maybe) by how full the tube is.

Ok, I should stop now because I have too many ideas and only a little skill. Still, maybe something might help you think...

- 4th May 2011, 00:34
I think I might make a thermometer that uses a fan to blow a ping-pong ball up a tube to show the right temperature--or two tubes to show hours and minutes of a clock. A relay to knock one up another tube once for each second could drive someone crazy.

I REALLY like this one!!!