View Full Version : help please...!

- 1st May 2011, 11:12
hellow everyone,

m trying to compile my program but m getting these assembler errors....i've tried to reinstaill my compiler but it is not working and if i set to pic16f877 it compiles successful!...i need help please...

; m using pic16f877a

led var portc.0
pause 3000
if portb.0=1 then MO
goto main
one of the assembler error is " can not open file('include file pic16f877a.INC' not found)

m getting these assembler errors...

- 1st May 2011, 12:47
What version of PBP are you using?

- 1st May 2011, 13:52
What version of PBP are you using?

m using PBP ver.2.6

- 1st May 2011, 15:11
pic16f877a.INC is a MPASM file. Do you have MPLAB installed?
If not you can compile using PM.
If you are using Micro code Studio and have MPASM checked as the assembler and MPASM is not installed then you would not be able to assemble for the 877.

Can you give more info about your setup?

- 1st May 2011, 15:38
pic16f877a.INC is a MPASM file. Do you have MPLAB installed?
If not you can compile using PM.
If you are using Micro code Studio and have MPASM checked as the assembler and MPASM is not installed then you would not be able to assemble for the 877.

Can you give more info about your setup?

well, i've installed mplab ver 8.6 and m using micro code studio with mpsam checked as assembler...:)

- 1st May 2011, 15:45
Does the Smiley mean it works now?

- 2nd May 2011, 09:11
Does the Smiley mean it works now?

no,it is not working

- 2nd May 2011, 10:15
one of the assembler error is
What are the other errors?

- 2nd May 2011, 14:27
What are the other errors?

other errors are:
INC 22:symbol not previously defined [XT_OSC]
INC 22:symbol not previously defined [WDT_ON]
INC 22:symbol not previously defined [LVP_OFF]
INC 22:symbol not previously defined [CP_OFF]
asm 57:duplicate label("PORTL" or redefined symbol that can not be redifined)
asm 59:symbol not previously defined(PORTC)
asm 61:symbol not previously defined(TRISB)
asm 63:symbol not previously defined(TRISC)
lib 6334:symbol not previously defined(STATUS)
lib 6334:symbol not previously defined(C)
lib 6336:symbol not previously defined(STATUS)
lib 6336:symbol not previously defined(C)
lib 6392:symbol not previously defined(STATUS)
lib 6365:symbol not previously defined(C)
lib 7767:symbol not previously defined(STATUS)
lib 6336:symbol not previously defined(IRP)
lib 7768:symbol not previously defined(STATUS)
too many errors

- 2nd May 2011, 15:09
Can you find a P16F877a.inc file here: C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite

And under MCS compile and program options is your mpasm path pointed to it?

- 2nd May 2011, 15:30
Can you find a P16F877a.inc file here: C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite

there is no that include file in MPSAM suite

And under MCS compile and program options is your mpasm path pointed to it?

m not sure if i understand that,but in compile and program option in MCS at assembler category,use MPASAM is checked although the path is pointed to
C:\Program Files\labcenter electronic\proteus

what should i do?

- 2nd May 2011, 15:39
That's why you are getting the symbol not found errors. It needs to find the file. Sounds like you need to try re-installing mplab ide. And then either manually set the path, or have MCS find it.

there is no that include file in MPSAM suite

- 2nd May 2011, 16:34
That's why you are getting the symbol not found errors. It needs to find the file. Sounds like you need to try re-installing mplab ide. And then either manually set the path, or have MCS find it.

thank you,now it is well working after re-installing MPLAB :)