View Full Version : Generation of PWM wave six - PIC18f4431

- 25th March 2011, 16:25
Hello everyone!

I am faced with a problem with the PWM wave generation using the PIC18F4431.
I need to generate six PWM signals with fixed frequency and duty cycle.
I work in C but I hope you can help me, I'm very desperate.
Below is my code:

void main ()
PTCON0 = 0b00000000 / / Postscaler 1:1, 1:1 prescaler, count up
PWMCON0 = 0b01000000 / / Enable PWM0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in order complemetar
PTPERH = 0, / / ​​storing the value 199 in PTPER
PTPERL = 199 / / that generates a PWM signal of 25 KHz
PDC0H = 148>> 6 / / Stores the most significant bit of 75 in PDC0H
PDC0L = 148 <<2 / / Stores the six least significant bits of 75 in PDC0L and adds two more
/ / Bits to the right to enter the first clock cycle, 75% Duty Cycle
PDC1H = 100>> 6;
PDC1L = 100 <<2 / / Stores the six least significant bits 50 in PDC0L and adds two more
/ / Bits to the right to enter the first clock cycle, 50% Duty Cycle
PDC2H = 50>> 6;
PDC2L = 50 <<2 / / Stores the 6 bits of 25 in PDC0L and adds two more
/ / Bits to the right to enter the first clock cycle, 25% Duty Cycle

PTCON1.PTEN = 1 / / Starts the generation of signals
while (1);

I can not see what's wrong with this code.
When I simulate this program (Proteus) simulates it with no problem, but when I try to implement it in practice did not yield any signal in the PWM outputs. One thing sure is that my practical design of the circuit has no way to be wrong.
Well I tried to use 4 PWM signals and it worked. This does not work when I use those 6.
The PIC18f4431 can generate waves up to 4 PWM and four additional, what I want is 3 plus 3 additional signs!

PLEASE really need help.

I hope answers.

- 25th March 2011, 16:58
You really should consider posting your question on a forum for the C compiler you're using. This forum is for the Microengineering Labs BASIC compiler.

If you decide to try PBP, here's a thread that you might find helpful;

- 25th March 2011, 19:07
He did Problem with the generation of PWM signals - PIC18F4431 (http://www.microchip.com/forums/m568154.aspx)

- 25th March 2011, 19:37
No. He missed the boat on both posts there as well. One example was done with MikroC, and a second with CCS C, so he's still not getting help from either C compilers forum...;o)