View Full Version : Request for IDEAS: simple (cheap!) PIC project for Boy Scout Electronics merit badge

- 26th February 2011, 15:52
Hey all,

I am preparing to teach the Boy Scout Electronics merit badge (this July). I have no problem teaching the electronic theory. One of the requirements is to build a simple electronic project. I believe this is a chance to introduce the Scouts to microcontrollers.

I would like to tap this great group for ideas for a simple (inexpensive, around $10) project ideas. I know that simple does not mean incapable!

For example a 12F683 with a piezo disk to detect knocks and a servo or electromagnet could be combined to make a "knock lock" that will open the lock on a certain "knock" combination.
Or a simple game with "charlieplexed" LED's and one or two pushbuttons.

Something that can be soldered up on strip board with a low parts count. I will be teaching at a week long camp and will probably have 2 classes of around 15 in each class so the need for low parts count will minimize soldering time. I would pre-program the pics and go over the software program in class. This is the kind of thing I am looking for.

Something that will catch the kids interest, demonstrate the incredible versatilaty of the PIC and expose them to the wonderful world of microcontrollers.

Any ideas or links to projects that I can consider would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Dwight in Utah, USA

- 26th February 2011, 16:47
Hi, Dwight

Lots of ideas here : http://www.kitsrus.com/kits.html


- 26th February 2011, 16:56
maybe this :

This could be made with through hole parts and sent up in the rockets for the rocketry badge :)

I am sure the PCB's could be made for dirt cheap as they are so small.