View Full Version : Examples for PicBasic Pro

- 22nd February 2011, 18:41
I am pretty new to PICs but am getting more and more into them. I have been having my code for some of my projects written by others but want to start doing my own using PicBasic Pro. I have it and am pretty well versed in most BASIC programming. I have been using Visual Basic for years and before that I used the DOS BASIC platforms (sort of dating myself). What I am looking for are examples outside the normal ones that are on MeLabs site and Reynolds site. I have all of those and would like to find some others, maybe more complicated examples than those. If anyone can point me toward some like that for PicBASIC Pro, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance for any help.

- 22nd February 2011, 19:20
Take a look under "Code Examples" or the Wiki sections.
