View Full Version : Compiler/Downloader Question

- 14th February 2011, 17:41
I am using PBPro 2.60 in MPLab V8.63 along with an ICD2 for programming and debugging. When I Compile my program and download it to the 16HV616 PIC the Output tells me that the Program compiled and downloaded properly. However I get a Pop up screen Open to the PBPPIC14.LIB with a green arrow pointing to Line 1150 which is a goto INIT. I have deleted and re-installed MPLab IDE and PBPro. Neither fixted this issue. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I have attached a screen shot for the POP up window, if that will be of any help.


- 14th February 2011, 19:55
I get the same thing, see my thread here (http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=14357). I've only played with a bit and Iäm not sure why or even if it's supposed to be like that but as far as I can see it does work. I'm able to set breakpoints and watch variables etc but the .LIB file keeps popping up from time to time.

I'd really like to have PBP "fully" integrated in MPLAB, or if it IS I'd like to see a tutorial/guide on how to set it up properly. Perhaps it gets better with the new MPLAB X.


Darrel Taylor
- 15th February 2011, 18:22
The green arrow is not pointing at an error.
It's pointing at the next line to be executed in the debugger.
The first executable instruction is always GOTO INIT.

It starts debugging at the ASM level in the PBPPIC14.lib file because the "Source-Level Debug" option is not checked in the Build Options for your project.

Go to Project > Build Options > Project > PicBasic Pro ... and check the "Source-Level Debug" option.
That will generate the -k# command line option.

- 16th February 2011, 06:24
Thanks Darrel, I'll try that.
I know the green arrow isn't pointing at an error I just couldn't figure out why it was popping up the .lib file all the time - now I know.

Any pointers on how to work with color syntaxing and code folding, can it be set up to work with PBP as the language tool?


- 16th February 2011, 13:19
Hi Darrel,

Thank you for the help.


Darrel Taylor
- 16th February 2011, 15:03
Any pointers on how to work with color syntaxing and code folding, can it be set up to work with PBP as the language tool?

Highliting in MPLAB only works on files with a .bas extension.

You're welcome Don.

- 16th February 2011, 17:36
Once again thank you! I got color syntaxing working by changing the file extension from .pbp to .bas - now on to code folding....

However, I already had the Source-Level Dubug checkbox ticked and it keeps popping up the .lib file, see attached screenshots. Like I said in the other thread it's me who don't know how to use these tools but I'm trying to learn. I'll keep playing with it.


Darrel Taylor
- 16th February 2011, 19:02
There is no code folding.
And the highliting is not perfect because it wasn't done for PicBasic Pro. I'm not sure what Basic Language MPLAB expects with a .bas extension, but it's not PBP.

What version of PBP are you using Henrick?

Have you gone into Build Options for both the Project and the Source file?

- 16th February 2011, 19:51
Hi Darrel,
Yes, I believe I have done so for the project and the source file, see attached screenshot. Ticking/unticking it one place is reflected in the other as well so it looks like it's one and the same dialog accessed.

There's only a single source file in the project (as per instructions) and there's no other files included from this source file.

I'm using PBP 2.6A

Got it on the code-folding, crossing my fingers for 100% integration with MPLAB X :-)

Again, thanks a lot Darrel!

Darrel Taylor
- 17th February 2011, 20:35
I don't know Henrik.

I can't make it do that here.
I downgraded MPLAB to 8.50 and it still works fine.


- 18th February 2011, 06:20
Ha - finally :-)

Seriously though, having the .lib file pop up is no big deal, but I'm wondering if I'm missing out on something as I never get to see the green arrow in the actual source file. I can set breakpoints, start, stop execution and watch variables etc so it's OK.

I'll keep playing with it.

Thanks Darrel!