View Full Version : Latest devices not listed

- 14th February 2011, 14:38
Hi all,
I am putting together a project using 18F26k22 but the device is not listed in Microcode's device selection, although it is available from MPLAB IDE.

How can I either configure Microcode to recognise the new device (prefered), or get MPLAB to work with PBPpro.

How can I get MCS to see the new files. I copied and pasted 2 files called 18F26k22.inc and 18F26k22.bas but MCS still does not see them. Is there a library or index file?

- 14th February 2011, 15:02
Do you have the latest version of PBP? MicroCode Studio only lists PIC types that are supported by the version of PBP that you have.

- 14th February 2011, 21:13
I should have added I am running PBP 2.60, MCS 4.0 and MPLAB IDE 8.63.

-Just seen there is a patch available for PBP 2.60 which adds the 18F26K22. Didn't spot that earlier.
Just ordered the patch so should solve my problem.

Thanks anyway.

- 22nd February 2011, 11:24
I should have added I am running PBP 2.60, MCS 4.0 and MPLAB IDE 8.63.

-Just seen there is a patch available for PBP 2.60 which adds the 18F26K22. Didn't spot that earlier.
Just ordered the patch so should solve my problem.

Thanks anyway.

My problem is similar to that of Tim.

I used 18F26K20 successfully for one of my projects with IntOsc at 32MHz. I was delighted to see the specs of the recently released PIC - 18F26K22 - Full 5.5V operation, Program Memory of 32768 words, ADC, DAC, Support for capacitive touch sensing, maximum clock speed of 64MHz with internal oscillator, etc. Ordered the samples and they arrived. Updated the device file to version 1.62.03 and used PICKIT2 programmer to check it. Everything is fine, so far. Upgraded my PBP 2.60 with the patch and it became 2.60A. Ran the next patch to make it 2.60B. Selected 18F26K22 in MCStudio, wrote a simple code to blink an LED and tried to compile using MPASM. But alas, I cannot compile my code for this PIC. I get 21 error messages, the last one being, "too many errors". One of the error messages tells me that the include file "18F26K22.INC" cannot be found.

In MELabs site, I cannot see any version later than MPASMWIN 5.20 and this version does not have the include file for 18F26K22.

Can someone tell me how I can solve this problem and where I can find the include file for the devices of 18F2xK22 / 18F4xK22 family?

Mumbai, India

- 22nd February 2011, 11:53
Download and install the latest version of MPLAB from Microchip.com This will install the headers for new PIC types.

- 24th February 2011, 15:45
Download and install the latest version of MPLAB from Microchip.com This will install the headers for new PIC types.

Thanks a lot, Bruce.

I thought of this solution, but was trying to avoid having to download the 113MB file. Downloading the MPASM file with the include files for the recent devices that version 2.60B can support would have been ideal. But it appears that ME Labs have not updated the MPASM file after March 2008.


- 24th February 2011, 19:32
can you put a link,so I can download the MCS and PBP last versions
because when I compile a code for example in the code is this line:
@ DEVICE pic16F628A, WDT_OFF
@ DEVICE pic16F628A, PWRT_ON
@ DEVICE pic16F628A, BOD_OFF
@ DEVICE pic16F628A, LVP_OFF
@ DEVICE pic16F628A, CPD_OFF
and when I want to compile there is an error.When I delete this lines it can compile the code.
Is the problem in the old version of PBP and MCS?