View Full Version : 18F2450 internal osc

- 6th February 2011, 19:22
I am trying to run a 18F2450 using the internal oscillator inlieu of a external osc, but i can't even get a led to blink. Here is the test code I am trying to get working before i write the real program.

define loader_used 1


osccon = 00000010

trisb = %1100000
led var portb.3

led = 1
PAUSE 1000
led = 0
pause 1000

- 6th February 2011, 19:43
Try this, and see if it works for you. There might be something else wrong, but for sure, you will need these.

define loader_used 1

If that doesn't work, you could try adding in some of the default ones:


- 7th February 2011, 05:33
Two thoughts:
1) I have found fuses are set by the loader fuse configuration, so no effect of changing them later
2) OSCCON = 00000010 is not the same as OSCCON = %00000010, rather = %00001010 ie. decimal 10
PS TRISB assignment is 7 bit was that intentional?

- 7th February 2011, 13:32
Thanks for the suggestions.

I cleaned up the sloppy parts of the code and worked with the config fuses a bit, but i still had no luck. i finally gave in and added a external oscillator; i will revisit this when i have more time.