View Full Version : PIC and GLCD Question

- 6th February 2011, 02:38
Does anyone know if Mikroe Visual GLCD can be used with PB Pro or do I need to use their compiler as well? :confused:

- 6th February 2011, 03:11
Visual GLCD is a development software used for visual building of graphic interface for embedded GUI-intensive devices with various types of Graphic LCD displays. This software generates source code compatible with mikroElektronika Compilers (mikroC, mikroPascal and mikroBasic).....

The above quote is from the MikroElectronika Visual GLCD web page. What you can do is the following, get the code in any of the MicroElektronika languages and write that code in PBP. I have done it before with other programs that produce code in C and I convert that to PBP. Sometimes it's an easy and obvious process, sometimes it is not.


- 6th February 2011, 04:09
The above quote is from the MikroElectronika Visual GLCD web page. What you can do is the following, get the code in any of the MicroElektronika languages and write that code in PBP. I have done it before with other programs that produce code in C and I convert that to PBP. Sometimes it's an easy and obvious process, sometimes it is not.


Thanks Robert, I figured that might be the route, but was being lazy.;)

- 6th February 2011, 11:16
It's not being lazy, it's to properly use other's time and ressources (if any) :D