View Full Version : PCf8573 RTC

- 3rd February 2011, 15:27
I have two IC's named PCF8573. I have read the datasheet and it's similar to PCF8583 and not. Can someone post an example of how can I read and write this rtc. Or maybe someone can translate the datasheet (control, adress). Thank you!

- 3rd February 2011, 19:21
Is it okay if I write these commands? (My logic is correct?)

msb lsb
i2cread SDA,SCl,% 1 101000 1 ,0,[H] ( BIT4=0, B2=0, B1=0, B0=0)
i2cread SDA,Scl,%11010001,1,[M] ( BIT4=0, B2=0, B1=0, B0=1)

and so on?

I don't know what this bits do: MODE-POINTER-word, CONTROL-nibble (bits 8, 7, 6 and 5)