View Full Version : PAUSE statement

- 19th January 2011, 14:04
Is there a minimum time value for the PAUSE statement? I know you have to set the OSC speed but the PAUSE values are way off.

- 19th January 2011, 14:15
PAUSE 100 in my code is about 100 seconds PIC18F2450

- 19th January 2011, 14:17
I think the minimum for PAUSE is 1mS, shorter pauses should use PAUSEUS.

There are up to 3 things to verify for the pause to work correctly.

DEFINE OSC - Used to tell PBP what speed to use for calculating PAUSE,SERIN/OUT, and so forth
OSCCON - Depending on the PIC used, this is to set the PIC to the desired speed
In the config settings, internal or external OSC.

If using INTERNAL OSC, verify default speed.