View Full Version : FineLineIDE
- 11th December 2010, 20:52
Coming soon a new IDE: FineLineIDE! FL PicBasicPro screenshot.bmp
Features include:
Bracket lines linking If-Endif, For-Next etc.
Tabbed explorer so that the current line indicator is always visible for navigation as is the FineLineIDE theme.
Skins included with additional downloadable.
Two FineLineIDE’s can be opened at once.
FL saves a recovery file every 30 seconds and prompt’s to restore on restart if improper shutdown or crash.
FineLineIDE works with both Proton and PicBasicPro.
FineLineIDE defines (currently used in PicBasicPro) establish in-code setting such as:
Device: ‘< FL_PIC18F452 >‘ First valid PIC found within the first 200 lines will highlight and set device.
Compiler: ‘< FL_PBPW >’ or ‘< FL_PBPL >’
Assembler: ‘< FL_MPASM >‘ or ‘< FL_PM >’
In PicBasicPro setting FL will prompt on compile if there are improper setting including PBPW or PBPL and PM or MPASM.
FineLineIDE is provided free and is under continued development with several new features planned in the future such as code folding and auto code indent/formatting.
See FineLineIDE Demo Video. (
- 11th December 2010, 22:30
One of the best!
Congrats Norm.
- 11th December 2010, 22:34
Compiler: ‘< FL_PBPW >’ or ‘< FL_PBPL >'
That is going to be nice!!!
It keeps getting better and better!
Thanks Norm :)
- 11th December 2010, 23:09
Nice :)!! I like the "Bracket colored lines linking If-Endif, For-Next etc" feature. This feature would make the code a lot easier to read. Also, the current line indicator would be very helpful.
- 12th December 2010, 11:40
Hi Norm,
That looks fantastic! The bracketing is going to be real help.
I hate doing this but have you considered some kind of code folding? That's one thing I miss a lot in MCSP when working on larger projects.
- 12th December 2010, 16:46
Looks great!
How soon?
How much?
- 13th December 2010, 01:02
...I hate doing this but have you considered some kind of code folding?...Henrik.
Looks great!
How soon?
How much?
Probably post in about one week.
FineLineIDE is provided free and is under continued development with several new features planned in the future such as code folding and auto code indent/formatting.
- 13th December 2010, 08:23
With such good features, I want to keep on ... programming!
- 13th December 2010, 15:48
I'd like to try it out.
Where can I download?
- 13th December 2010, 16:39
It looks very very fine:)
The bracketing will be helpful.
I will try as soon as you publish it.
- 20th December 2010, 12:57
That code in the example looks familiar :) :)
Looks like a nice alternative to MCS
- 21st December 2010, 05:42
FineLineIDE v1.0.0.0 Released!
See FineLineIDE ( for download.
- 21st December 2010, 06:10
Just checked it out, looks VERY nice. Makes me want to buy a programmer to work with it.
- 21st December 2010, 06:20
Just checked it out, looks VERY nice. Makes me want to buy a programmer to work with it.
I thought you were using a PicKit2?
- 21st December 2010, 14:14
Norm , I just downloaded your latest version and I think it needs a bit more work. I use TAB's for my indenting and when edited with MCSP it looks as it should. When the same program is loaded into your latest version, it seems to get confused about the tab spacing and also seems to get confused about where to put the connecting lines to the left side of the screen. There are places where multiple connections are all covered up by the same line... If you can give me your email address I will send you the some screen shots...
dave Purola,
- 21st December 2010, 14:54
I thought you were using a PicKit2?
No, I have ICD2 and ICD3. But a Pickit2 is on my wish list. :) Just haven't stopped to look at all the options it can come with.
- 22nd December 2010, 00:27
Norm , I just downloaded your latest version and I think it needs a bit more work. I use TAB's for my indenting and when edited with MCSP it looks as it should. When the same program is loaded into your latest version, it seems to get confused about the tab spacing and also seems to get confused about where to put the connecting lines to the left side of the screen. There are places where multiple connections are all covered up by the same line... If you can give me your email address I will send you the some screen shots...
dave Purola,
Click the "email suggestions" link on the Help > About Fineline window.
- 24th December 2010, 01:57
Norm , I just downloaded your latest version and I think it needs a bit more work. I use TAB's for my indenting and when edited with MCSP it looks as it should. When the same program is loaded into your latest version, it seems to get confused about the tab spacing and also seems to get confused about where to put the connecting lines to the left side of the screen. There are places where multiple connections are all covered up by the same line... If you can give me your email address I will send you the some screen shots...
dave Purola,
FL requires an indent to allow room to draw to left of text.
See how finelines draw to left of "SensorError:" label in post #1.
Try a select all and indent one step.
I will look into the tabs replacement width issue.
- 28th December 2010, 12:08
I've just downloaded and "installed" the IDE - went through the config process of pointing the IDE at the installation folders for MPSAM, PBP etc and then loaded up one of my old programs. The IDE responded with a pop up about converting tabs or something and then displayed the code.
A lot of the coloured brackets shown in your example were bunched up against the far left of the code window, so the "importation" didn't work for me. I tried compiling and each time I got an error about an invalid path statement, for either PBP or MPSAM. It seemed as if the IDE had lost it's settings, even though the INI files show the path statements to where the EXE's are
Use PBPL=0
Compiler Path=C:\PBP2.60\PBP.EXE
Assembly Path=*:\
IDE Path=C:\Program Files\Mecanique\MCS\CodeStudio.exe
Compiler Path=*:\
IDE Path=*:\
Name1=PICkit2 3.3 volt
Name4=melabs U2 Programmer
Location1=Browse to *\pk2cmd.exe
Location2=Browse to *\pk3cmd.exe
Location3=C:\Program Files\Mikroelektronika\PICFLASH-mikroICD\PICFLASH.exe
Location4=Browse to *\meProg.exe
I think I've set all the parameters up, to use my easypic5 board, MPSAM and PBP which is my current set up with MCS, but could be wrong. I did try the automatic scan as well for each option and if didn't find the exe's on some occasions and I used the manual browse option
Ignore that..... have found out where I was going wrong - can now compile OK !!! - USER ERROR ON THIS OCCASION !!!
- 28th December 2010, 12:30
In the left column it's possible to select things like labels, variables, includes etc, and an option for none. Would it be possible to have an option for all, in the same way MCS does.
Ive also noticed that when a file is opened in FL it changes the text of the commands. For example
IF Temperatures(pid_Channel) > alarmhigh(pid_Channel) and Alarm = 1 then AlarmPin = 1
IF Temperatures(pid_Channel) > alarmhigh(pid_Channel) and Alarm = 0 then AlarmPin = 0
IF Temperatures(pid_Channel) <= alarmhigh(pid_Channel) then AlarmPin = 0
IF Temperatures(pid_Channel) <= alarmlow(pid_Channel) then AlarmPin = 0
if Temperatures(pid_Channel) < alarmlow(pid_Channel) and Alarm = 1 then AlarmPin = 1
if Temperatures(pid_Channel) < alarmlow(pid_Channel) and Alarm = 0 then AlarmPin = 0
Note the lower case "if" in the last two lines. I then use the option to open in MCS and looked at the same set of lines
IF Temperatures(pid_Channel) > alarmhigh(pid_Channel) and Alarm = 1 then AlarmPin = 1
IF Temperatures(pid_Channel) > alarmhigh(pid_Channel) and Alarm = 0 then AlarmPin = 0
IF Temperatures(pid_Channel) <= alarmhigh(pid_Channel) then AlarmPin = 0
IF Temperatures(pid_Channel) <= alarmlow(pid_Channel) then AlarmPin = 0
IF Temperatures(pid_Channel) < alarmlow(pid_Channel) and Alarm = 1 then AlarmPin = 1
IF Temperatures(pid_Channel) < alarmlow(pid_Channel) and Alarm = 0 then AlarmPin = 0
Formatting was correct....
- 28th December 2010, 16:35
Are you relying on the program to do the capitalization? Or are you typing IF.
- 29th December 2010, 02:54
In the left column it's possible to select things like labels, variables, includes etc, and an option for none. Would it be possible to have an option for all, in the same way MCS does.
Ive also noticed that when a file is opened in FL it changes the text of the commands. For example
Note the lower case "if" in the last two lines. I then use the option to open in MCS and looked at the same set of lines
Formatting was correct....
Files saved in MCS aren't saving the "IF" etc uppercase format.
I will add a look through for case on open in FL.
- 29th December 2010, 11:10
Are you relying on the program to do the capitalization? Or are you typing IF.
Dave, I was just opening an existing pbp code which already contained the statements. If I select the button to open in the original IDE (MCS) the same statements are capitalised - in FL half are, half are not !
Don't get me wrong - not knocking FL - just filtering back some observations.
- 29th December 2010, 11:31
Dave, I was just opening an existing pbp code which already contained the statements. If I select the button to open in the original IDE (MCS) the same statements are capitalised - in FL half are, half are not !
Don't get me wrong - not knocking FL - just filtering back some observations.
Did not think you were knocking FL.
The same thing with upper/lower case I bet will happen if you open the same code in MPLAB. At least it does for me if I depend on MCS to apply upper case to key words. Just wondering if that was your case too...
- 29th December 2010, 13:11
Not only does it do the same in MPLAB, but also in Notepad.... strange that !
- 7th January 2011, 06:19
...Ive also noticed that when a file is opened in FL it changes the text of the commands. For example
Note the lower case "if" in the last two lines. I then use the option to open in MCS and looked at the same set of lines
Formatting was correct....
NEW v1.0.0.4
Added a format all button for keywords (case).
User discretion required a button as both Proton and PicBasic files could be open with FL not certain of which style to use.
Formatting would be recommended when opening a file edited in MicroCode Studio as it saves "as typed" but appears formatted.
Proton IDE has a recommended option to "Commit formatting changes to source code" which would then require no FL format button press.
Formatting does all compiler keywords as well as variables, constants, aliases, labels, macros, and data labels.
- 10th July 2011, 23:07
NEW v1.0.0.4
Added a format all button for keywords (case).
Formatting does all compiler keywords as well as variables, constants, aliases, labels, macros, and data labels.
Your description of the v1.0.0.4 change confuses me, Norm.....I downloaded the latest version and I can't figure out which button is the new "Format All" button you refer to. Is it the button labeled "if-IF" ?
I also endorse a suggestion I saw on the forum to add an "All" option in the Pull Down list for Includes, Constants, Variables, Defines, Variables, Alias & Modifiers, and Labels. MCS has this and it is sometimes very useful to not have to switch back and forth between the options.
Another suggestion...with the lack of a User Manual some button context help would be useful or a pop-up window on cursor flyover of the button to explain its use.
- 11th July 2011, 02:37
Norm, I cut/pasted some of Mackrackit's code for a ConnectOne WiFi module into FineLine and see something I can't figure out as shown in this code snippet:
IF !ADR[1] AND !ADR[1] AND !ADR[2] AND !ADR[3]THEN SEROUT2 PORTC.3,16780,[" NOT "]
SEROUT2 PORTC.3,16780,[" CONNECTED ",$d,$a]
SEROUT2 PORTC.3,16780,["ADR - " ,DEC3 ADR[0],".",DEC3 ADR[1],".",DEC3 ADR[2],".",DEC3 ADR[3],$d,$a] PAUSE 1000
The actual code listing in FineLine shows a red "0" at the beginning of the IF statement line. I tried to delete it and it won't delete. What is this red "0" signifying or trying to tell me?
- 11th July 2011, 04:56
Your description of the v1.0.0.4 change confuses me, Norm.....I downloaded the latest version and I can't figure out which button is the new "Format All" button you refer to. Is it the button labeled "if-IF" ?
I also endorse a suggestion I saw on the forum to add an "All" option in the Pull Down list for Includes, Constants, Variables, Defines, Variables, Alias & Modifiers, and Labels. MCS has this and it is sometimes very useful to not have to switch back and forth between the options.
Another suggestion...with the lack of a User Manual some button context help would be useful or a pop-up window on cursor flyover of the button to explain its use.
Yes the "if-IF" button is "Format All".
The reason for separating the Explorer types is a lot less scrolling.
When "showing all" most are hidden.
The next version of FL however replaces the Explorer drop down box with a one click "radio button" for a fast change of display type as displayed below.
On my PC a hover over the "if-If" button displays a yellow "Format keywords for PicBasicPro".
- 11th July 2011, 05:17
Norm, I cut/pasted some of Mackrackit's code for a ConnectOne WiFi module into FineLine and see something I can't figure out as shown in this code snippet:
The actual code listing in FineLine shows a red "0" at the beginning of the IF statement line. I tried to delete it and it won't delete. What is this red "0" signifying or trying to tell me?
The red "O" is for orphan.
FineLine is telling you a corresponding Endif is missing.
See screenshot in previous post.
- 11th July 2011, 07:25
In your screenshot the ENDIF is missing but in the code snippet Jellis posted it's not missing since the IF statement is a "one-liner"
IF !ADR[1] AND !ADR[1] AND !ADR[2] AND !ADR[3]THEN SEROUT2 PORTC.3,16780,[" NOT "]
- 11th July 2011, 08:50
In your screenshot the ENDIF is missing but in the code snippet Jellis posted it's not missing since the IF statement is a "one-liner"
IF !ADR[1] AND !ADR[1] AND !ADR[2] AND !ADR[3]THEN SEROUT2 PORTC.3,16780,[" NOT "]/Henrik.
PBP V2.50C gives the following error:
Compiler: Error[Line XXX]: If without a matching ENDIF.
- 11th July 2011, 10:13
Hi Norm,
Really? That's a surprise....It compiles without error here (on v2.44):
Weird... I'll try it on 2.6 tonight.
- 11th July 2011, 13:30
I did that before FL. It does work with PBP 2.6.
I just tried it with FL and got the "O", but it compiled..
- 11th July 2011, 14:00
I did that before FL. It does work with PBP 2.6.
I just tried it with FL and got the "O", but it compiled..
I'll fix it for the next version of FL.
A workaround is to keep a space in front of the "Then".
- 11th July 2011, 14:38
The space fixed it!
- 16th July 2011, 21:53
NEW v1.0.0.4
Norm, I really like FL but discovered one thing that I can't figure out how to do. I presumed since EasyPIC6 is one of the Programmer Options in FL that I could use it to program a PBPro application onto a PIC18F4550 in my EasyPic6 and run the application. I also presumed that selecting the EasyPIC6 as the programmer was as simple as going to its tab in the Programmer options, making sure it was setup correctly and then clicking OK. However I cannot get FL to target the EasyPic6 FLASH programmer by this setup keeps launching PICKIT2 as the programmer, even though I thought I had switched to the FLASH on EASYPIC6 via the otpions.
How do I select any of the specific programmer options to operate with FL?
John Ellis
- 16th July 2011, 22:00
Norm, I really like FL but discovered one thing that I can't figure out how to do. I presumed since EasyPIC6 is one of the Programmer Options in FL that I could use it to program a PBPro application onto a PIC18F4550 in my EasyPic6 and run the application. I also presumed that selecting the EasyPIC6 as the programmer was as simple as going to its tab in the Programmer options, making sure it was setup correctly and then clicking OK. However I cannot get FL to target the EasyPic6 FLASH programmer by this setup keeps launching PICKIT2 as the programmer, even though I thought I had switched to the FLASH on EASYPIC6 via the otpions.
How do I select any of the specific programmer options to operate with FL?
John Ellis
Just found the answer to my own question while poking around in FL application screen. I found the window selector to the left of the green COMPILE pushbutton which allows the user to select which of the programmers that are setup in the OPTIONS. Worked like a charm! Sorry for the previous post. A user manual would have prevented my question.
- 17th July 2011, 00:21
A user manual is in the plans for the next version.
- 20th July 2011, 01:21
NEW v1.0.0.4
Norm, I encountered a problem with FL not being able to compile the ReEnterPBP-18.bas version 1.4 which was an INCLUDE in one of my application codes.
Here is the code for version 1.4
'************************************************* ***************
'* Name : ReEnterPBP-18.bas *
'* Author : Darrel Taylor / Timothy Box *
'* Date : MAR 18, 2006 *
'* Version : 1.4 MAR 24, 2008 *
'* Notes : Allows re-entry to PBP from a High Priority *
'* : ASM interrupt *
'* : Must have DT_INTS-18.bas loaded first *
'************************************************* ***************
'* Versions: *
'* 1.4 MAR 24, 2008 *
'* Corrects an initialization problem affecting the first *
'* pass system var save. Found by dcorraliza *
'* Fixed T7 "Warning" error. Found by Kamikaze47 *
'* 1.3 Aug 26, 2007 *
'* Update for PBP 2.50 using LONG's with PBPL *
'* 1.2 JUL 18, 2006 *
'* Modified to handle smaller BANKA in the newer chips *
'************************************************* ***************
DEFINE ReEnterHPused 1
VarsSaved_H VAR BIT
VarsSaved_H = 0
goto OverReEnterH
' Save locations for PBP system Vars during High Priority Interrupts
HP_Vars VAR WORD[34] ; group vars together for less banking
R0_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[0]
R1_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[2]
R2_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[4]
R3_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[6]
R4_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[8]
R5_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[9]
R6_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[10]
R7_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[11]
R8_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[12]
Flag_GOP_H VAR HP_Vars[13]
Flags_SaveH VAR Flag_GOP_H.lowbyte
GOP_SaveH VAR Flag_GOP_H.highbyte
RM_H VAR HP_Vars[14]
RM1_SaveH VAR RM_H.lowbyte
RM2_SaveH VAR RM_H.highbyte
RR_H VAR HP_Vars[15]
RR1_SaveH VAR RR_H.lowbyte
RR2_SaveH VAR RR_H.highbyte
RS_H VAR HP_Vars[16]
RS1_SaveH VAR RS_H.lowbyte
RS2_SaveH VAR RS_H.highbyte
T1_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[17]
T2_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[19]
T3_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[21]
T4_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[23]
T5_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[25]
T6_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[27]
T7_SaveH VAR HP_Vars[29]
Product_H VAR HP_Vars[33]
SavePBP_H: ' Save all PBP system Vars High Priority
if VarsSaved_H = 0 then
R0_SaveH = R0
R1_SaveH = R1
R2_SaveH = R2
R3_SaveH = R3
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW R0+2, _R0_SaveH+2
MOVE?WW R1+2, _R1_SaveH+2
MOVE?WW R2+2, _R2_SaveH+2
MOVE?WW R3+2, _R3_SaveH+2
R4_SaveH = R4
R5_SaveH = R5
R6_SaveH = R6
R7_SaveH = R7
R8_SaveH = R8
Flags_SaveH = FLAGS
RM1_SaveH = RM1
RM2_SaveH = RM2
RR1_SaveH = RR1
RR2_SaveH = RR2
@ if Save_TBLPTR == 1
@ endif
ifdef RS1
ifdef RS2
ifdef MUL_USED
ifdef T1
MOVE?WW T1, _T1_SaveH
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW T1+2, _T1_SaveH+2
ifdef T2
MOVE?WW T2, _T2_SaveH
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW T2+2, _T2_SaveH+2
ifdef T3
MOVE?WW T3, _T3_SaveH
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW T3+2, _T3_SaveH+2
ifdef T4
MOVE?WW T4, _T4_SaveH
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW T4+2, _T4_SaveH+2
ifdef T5
MOVE?WW T5, _T5_SaveH
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW T5+2, _T5_SaveH+2
ifdef T6
MOVE?WW T6, _T6_SaveH
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW T6+2, _T6_SaveH+2
ifdef T7
MOVE?WW T7, _T7_SaveH
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW T7+2, _T7_SaveH+2
VarsSaved_H = 1
if VarsSaved_H = 1 then
R0 = R0_SaveH
R1 = R1_SaveH
R2 = R2_SaveH
R3 = R3_SaveH
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW _R0_SaveH+2, R0+2
MOVE?WW _R1_SaveH+2, R1+2
MOVE?WW _R2_SaveH+2, R2+2
MOVE?WW _R3_SaveH+2, R3+2
R4 = R4_SaveH
R5 = R5_SaveH
R6 = R6_SaveH
R7 = R7_SaveH
R8 = R8_SaveH
FLAGS = Flags_SaveH
RM1 = RM1_SaveH
RM2 = RM2_SaveH
RR1 = RR1_SaveH
RR2 = RR2_SaveH
@ if Save_TBLPTR == 1
@ endif
ifdef RS1
ifdef RS2
ifdef MUL
ifdef T1
MOVE?WW _T1_SaveH, T1
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW _T1_SaveH+2, T1+2
ifdef T2
MOVE?WW _T2_SaveH, T2
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW _T2_SaveH+2, T2+2
ifdef T3
MOVE?WW _T3_SaveH, T3
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW _T3_SaveH+2, T3+2
ifdef T4
MOVE?WW _T4_SaveH, T4
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW _T4_SaveH+2, T4+2
ifdef T5
MOVE?WW _T5_SaveH, T5
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW _T5_SaveH+2, T5+2
ifdef T6
MOVE?WW _T6_SaveH, T6
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW _T6_SaveH+2, T6+2
ifdef T7
MOVE?WW _T7_SaveH, T7
if (PBPLongs_Used == 1)
MOVE?WW _T7_SaveH+2, T7+2
ifdef T8
ifndef NO_T7_WARNING
messg "Temp variables exceeding T7"
VarsSaved_H = 0
And here are the errors:
Has anyone else had this problem with ReEnterPBP-18.bas ??
John Ellis
- 20th July 2011, 01:32
Norm, I encountered a problem with FL not being able to compile the ReEnterPBP-18.bas version 1.4 which was an INCLUDE in one of my application codes.
Has anyone else had this problem with ReEnterPBP-18.bas ??
John Ellis
It looks like the compiler is indicating an error which is PBP not FL IDE.
Is the result the same with MicrocodeStudio IDE?
- 20th July 2011, 08:17
Are you compiling the ReEnter.bas routine itself?
Darrel Taylor
- 20th July 2011, 17:39
It looks like you haven't selected a device yet.
Select an 18F and try again.
- 26th July 2011, 10:49
Is it possible to add compatability with Asix UP Presto programmer
- 26th July 2011, 13:02
Is it possible to add compatability with Asix UP Presto programmer
From "Using UP from the command line" under "Tips and tricks" in the help section of the UP software program.
Using UP from the command line
The program itself ensures to be run in a single instance. If there is another instance being run, the command line parameters are handed over to the already running instance to be executed.
Parameter overview
up.exe [{/ask | /q}] [{/e eeprom_file.hex | [/noe]}] [{/p | [/pdiff] | [/o]} file.hex | file.ppr] [/eeonly] [/part part_name] [/erase] [/w[nd] up_window_class] [/cfg ] [/devid ] [/blank ] [/verify file] [/s programmer_SN]
The text in bold is to be put on the command line as is.
The text in italic is to be replaced by real parameter, e.g. file_name is to be replaced by real name of the file to be opened.
Text in curly brackets separated by | (pipes) represents a single choice from the listed items. e.g. { A | B } means "choose just one of A or B".
Text in [braces] represents optional parameter which can be used, but can also be omitted.
/ask Ask. To be used with /p. If the parameter is used, the program always prompts the user whether to program the part, even if this was disabled in the Settings of the program. The confirmation dialog also shows selected part type.
/q /quiet Quiet mode. In this mode the program does not require any user intervention, but rather silently returns to an error code instead of displaying a dialog. See return error codes.
/e file EEPROM file. Name of a file containing EEPROM data. If the name contains spaces, it is necessary to enclose it by quotes. This parameter can be used together with /o or /p parameter only.
/noe No EEPROM. Causes the program to skip EEPROM programming. If used with the MSP430 devices, the program skip all operations with the information memory.
/p file Program. Programs given file to code memory. If the name contains spaces, it is necessary to enclose it by quotes.
/pdiff file Program differentially. Programs given file. If the name contains spaces, it is necessary to enclose it by quotes.
/o file Open. File with given name will be opened. Optional parameter. If the name contains spaces, it is necessary to enclose it by quotes.
/eeonly The programmer will do the selected operation for EEPROM memory only, with MSP430 for Information memory only.
/part name Selects the specified part in the UP.
/erase The part will be erased.
/wnd class name Select another window class name. Using this parameter you can open more than one instance of program UP. Each instance must have unique window class name.
/cfg If this parameter is used together with /p parameter, only configuration memory is programmed. It's useful for example for AVR devices programming, because the user can configure the chip for faster oscillator first and then to program it much faster.
/devid If this parameter is used together with /p parameter, only the Device ID of the chip is checked.
/blank The program will do Blank Check of the chip.
/verify file Does the part verification.
/s programmer_SN This parameter allows to select the programmer in accordance with its serial number. The serial number can be entered as it is displayed in the UP or printed on the programmer, e.g.016709 or A6016709.
When working on several different projects it is likely that the program is set to use a part or programmer other than the one the user assumed. In such case using project files (.PPR), which contain all necessary settings including the file path, is strongly recommended.
Opening a file
up.exe file name
up.exe file.hex
up.exe "C:\My Documents\Recent Projects\PIC\My latest project\flasher.hex"
Programming the part
up.exe /p file name
up.exe /p file.hex
up.exe /p "C:\My Documents\Recent Projects\PIC\My latest project\flasher.hex"
Return error codes
0 - No errors.
1 - File error, e.g. file not found, unrecognized file format.
2 - Device error. Communication test failed, error in communication.
3 - Programming preparation error, e.g. failed to erase part.
4 - Programming error.
5 - Verification failed.
6 - User interaction needed.
7 - Device ID error.This is a start point, others may be helpful.
- 27th July 2011, 00:43
It looks like you haven't selected a device yet.
Select an 18F and try again.
Another stupid mistake on my part. Thanks Darrel!
- 27th July 2011, 00:50
A user manual is in the plans for the next version.
Norm, here are two suggested changes to your next version of FL...MCS already does this and it is handy:
1) Put a link in the HELP menu to the forum at
2) Put a link in the HELP menu to your FL URL at
Having these readily available while using the IDE saves the time of opening up a browser and entering these URLs when you are trying to debug code in the FL editor.
- 27th July 2011, 00:50
I really like using FL. I am especially thankful for the way you implemented the interface to the EasyPIC6 so that I can use the following chain automatically from FL to program code into my EasyPIC6: FL editor, MSASM assembler, PBPro compiler, MikroFLASH programmer. This saves so much time and makes the coding/programming process a piece of cake with an EasyPIC6. Good job!
- 27th July 2011, 02:15
Norm, here are two suggested changes to your next version of FL...MCS already does this and it is handy:
1) Put a link in the HELP menu to the forum at
2) Put a link in the HELP menu to your FL URL at
Having these readily available while using the IDE saves the time of opening up a browser and entering these URLs when you are trying to debug code in the FL editor.
The first link is under Help > Original Compiler Online Forum.
The second link will be added.
On start if checked in options FL does check this page for updates though.
FL should also show a message "Select a Device before Programming" when none is selected.
- 27th July 2011, 11:37
Hi Norm,
Thanks for that, I hadn't spotted the setups were configurable. However, I cannot get FL to use any programmer except the first one in the list. So I changed the first one to the Presto.
If UP is allready open with the correct device allready selected, the filename is picked up and performs an erase, programme and verification fine. (command line switches field empty). If I add /part $target-device$ it doesn't change to the selected device as if its ignoring the switch. The filename is picked up without any switch options!
If UP is not open, a popup window opens and asks for the device type. If I enter the device, UP will only blank check without erasing or programming the part. All switch options are ignored.
Is there an option to not convert tabs to spaces? I like working with tabs and would like to continue so.
Having closed FL and re-opening, I now get the error message "no previous picbasic pro programming" and closes the session when attempting programming.
Any suggestions?
(WIN XP pro)
- 27th July 2011, 12:16
Hi Norm,
Thanks for that, I hadn't spotted the setups were configurable. However, I cannot get FL to use any programmer except the first one in the list. So I changed the first one to the Presto.
If UP is allready open with the correct device allready selected, the filename is picked up and performs an erase, programme and verification fine. (command line switches field empty). If I add /part $target-device$ it doesn't change to the selected device as if its ignoring the switch. The filename is picked up without any switch options!
If UP is not open, a popup window opens and asks for the device type. If I enter the device, UP will only blank check without erasing or programming the part. All switch options are ignored.
Is there an option to not convert tabs to spaces? I like working with tabs and would like to continue so.
Having closed FL and re-opening, I now get the error message "no previous picbasic pro programming" and closes the session when attempting programming.
Any suggestions?
(WIN XP pro)
Just a guess but try /part target-device
Keep trying variations.
Tabs don't work well with FL as each tab width is different depending on the line above indentation.
This makes it much slower to determine the start point for drawing the FineLine if-endif brackets.
The tab key will still work in FL however it will write/save in spaces rather than a variable width tab.
I'll try a line by line tab width measurement for the next version as an option however to see if it is feasible.
"no previous picbasicpro programming" is a message displayed when pressing the Program Only button before having first compiled.
Try compile and program first.
- 28th July 2011, 09:02
Full tabs compatibility option has been added to the next version of FL!
- 28th July 2011, 22:03
Full tabs compatibility option has been added to the next version of FL!
Another nice feature that is needed in FLide is the ability to print code listings. I looked for a way to print and couldn't find one.
John Ellis
- 28th July 2011, 23:14
Full tabs compatibility option has been added to the next version of FL!
Is there a way to disable "code crosses boundary" prompts?
I will come back to the UP programmer settings. Does FL just add the switches as typed or are they decoded/fiddled with at all?
- 28th July 2011, 23:57
Is there a way to disable "code crosses boundary" prompts?
I will come back to the UP programmer settings. Does FL just add the switches as typed or are they decoded/fiddled with at all?
That would be a function of the compiler (PBP) not the editor (FL).
Unless it's a '<FL_xxxxx>' comment command all switches are for the compiler.
- 29th July 2011, 10:10
NAH, easy solution when using MPASM, add the following line at the top of your code.
@ ERRORLEVEL -306 ; supress code boundary message
It is just a warning, I guess the function in MCSP just ignore it when it happen. So yeah, it could be a feature of FineLine. Just parse the begining of the message, analyze it, ignore it... and you're done
- 29th July 2011, 11:39
NAH, easy solution when using MPASM, add the following line at the top of your code.
@ ERRORLEVEL -306 ; supress code boundary messageIt is just a warning, I guess the function in MCSP just ignore it when it happen. So yeah, it could be a feature of FineLine. Just parse the begining of the message, analyze it, ignore it... and you're done
On compile button press the IDE saves your code to it's file and passes the file path to PBP.exe to compile to an assembly file.
As a rule the IDE doesn't fiddle with the code as it wouldn't reopen the same if the IDE was closed after a compile.
Thinking out loud I suppose the IDE on compile could add the line "@ ERRORLEVEL -306 ; suppress code boundary message" to file to be compiled and re save the original after compile is complete but their really is no reason to do so.
Another way would be if FL were to simply not report a specific compiler warning however again no reason to do so as adding Mr E's line of code is the intended method.
- 1st August 2011, 09:21
...A user manual would have prevented my question.
If you are interested in the FineLine IDE beta version manual PM me your email address.
Your PM box is full.
- 1st August 2011, 20:11
From what I've read about PBP3.0 it doesn't look like FineLineIDE will be compatible.
Do you know if it is/will be?
- 1st August 2011, 22:43
From what I've read about PBP3.0 it doesn't look like FineLineIDE will be compatible.
Do you know if it is/will be?
No it's not but it will be.
- 27th August 2011, 07:19
FineLineIDE v1.5.0.0 ( now available!
FL is now compiled with latest Delphi XE compiler and developed in windows 7.
Aero off option for slower graphic cards.
Revised undo/redo.
Radio button in Explorer to easily select data type to display.
Find and Replace clicks return focus to edit for direct editing.
Auto close programmer on successive call option. (example PicKit 3)
FL now compatible with tabs.
Added FineLine IDE manual in main menu help.
Not yet PBP3 compatible but that is next.
- 27th August 2011, 12:22
Hi, I really like FL. I have few suggestion...
First I think you should add UPCASE for reserved words.
Second, it would be nice to make user function...
For example:
Function Asd(x var byte, y var byte) as byte
Then when you want to compile FL just generate something like this on top of code
goto over_funcions
asd var byte:x var byte:y var byte
and then if you use code like
variable =asd(1,2)
FL just replace that line with this
x=1 ' first string in bracket
y=2 ' second string etc
Call LabelASD
variable =asd
What do you think about it?
I really do not know why it was not done in pbp3, it's quite simply...
- 27th August 2011, 15:51
Hi, I really like FL. I have few suggestion...
First I think you should add UPCASE for reserved words.
Second, it would be nice to make user function...
What do you think about it?
I really do not know why it was not done in pbp3, it's quite simply...
First compatibility with PBP3.
Then my goal is code collapse and auto indent or code formatting.
Functions should be the job of the compiler.
Even if it could be done adding functions specific to FL would make for code incompatibilities.
Interesting nevertheless.
- 28th August 2011, 02:57
Darrel already state it somewhere, and PBP .TXT file state there's already a mechanism for the user function/command. Just to need to wait untill they release it. In meantime you can always use asm Macro. But still, it's not a real function.
- 15th September 2011, 21:03
5971Norm, I am having a problem using FL v1.0.0.4 with PicKit2 programmer. It works fine with EasyPic6/PicFlash programmer, but I had to reprogram a device in the field using my laptop with PicKit2. I am using PicKit2 v2 and PBP 2.6 with MPASM assembler. I am somewhat confused by the FL Programmer Options as shown in the attached image where it shows an option for "PicKit2 5.0 volt" and an option for "PicKit2 3.3 volt", as if there are two different PicKit2 for each programming voltage. Yet the PicKit2 I have leaves the selection of the programming voltage to a selectable tool in the PicKit2 screen, so I don't know which option to use with my PicKit2 v2. Can you please clarify what these two FL options for PicKit2 are really saying and which one to use with PicKit2 version 2?
I also notice that the browser default for the" PicKit2 5.0 volt" option points to a file at "Browse to *\pk2cmd.exe". Yet I find no file by that name in my PicKit2 installation. The .exe file normally used in my installation for PicKit2 from Microchip is "PICkit2V2.exe". I tried to use the browser to select this one in the FL option and it didn't work with FL. What are the .exe file names that should be used for either the PicKit2 5.0 volt option or the PicKit2 3.3 volt option in FL??
- 15th September 2011, 23:41
Norm, I am having a problem using FL v1.0.0.4 with PicKit2 programmer. It works fine with EasyPic6/PicFlash programmer, but I had to reprogram a device in the field using my laptop with PicKit2. I am using PicKit2 v2 and PBP 2.6 with MPASM assembler. I am somewhat confused by the FL Programmer Options as shown in the attached image where it shows an option for "PicKit2 5.0 volt" and an option for "PicKit2 3.3 volt", as if there are two different PicKit2 for each programming voltage. Yet the PicKit2 I have leaves the selection of the programming voltage to a selectable tool in the PicKit2 screen, so I don't know which option to use with my PicKit2 v2. Can you please clarify what these two FL options for PicKit2 are really saying and which one to use with PicKit2 version 2?
I also notice that the browser default for the" PicKit2 5.0 volt" option points to a file at "Browse to *\pk2cmd.exe". Yet I find no file by that name in my PicKit2 installation. The .exe file normally used in my installation for PicKit2 from Microchip is "PICkit2V2.exe". I tried to use the browser to select this one in the FL option and it didn't work with FL. What are the .exe file names that should be used for either the PicKit2 5.0 volt option or the PicKit2 3.3 volt option in FL??
Goto PICkit™ 2 Development Programmer/Debugger ( and down load the command line version PK2CMD v1.2
The *\ signifies a wildcard before the pk2cmd.exe
An "-A3.3" without the quotes in the command line signifies 3.3 volts other wise will default to 5.
Your PICkit2 tabs should look like the following:
- 16th September 2011, 02:34
Thanks, Norm. That solved my problem of getting the PicKit2 to work with FL.
However, I notice a new anomaly I don't know how to interpret. After each use of FL to program via the PicKit2, a message appears in PicKit2 in yellow after the programming is complete saying that I have to dowload a new OS for PicKit2. However, if I close PicKit2 and start over with another programming action it works fine with the OS I have. This never has happened before in my use of my OS version of PicKit2.
Is there something in the cmd file that checks your version of PicKit2 OS and tells you to update? Do I really need to? The version I am satisfied using and I hesitate to upgrade because evertime I have ever upgraded to anything from Microchip I spend the next week trying to resolve all the incompatibilities.
- 16th September 2011, 03:04
Thanks, Norm. That solved my problem of getting the PicKit2 to work with FL.
However, I notice a new anomaly I don't know how to interpret. After each use of FL to program via the PicKit2, a message appears in PicKit2 in yellow after the programming is complete saying that I have to dowload a new OS for PicKit2. However, if I close PicKit2 and start over with another programming action it works fine with the OS I have. This never has happened before in my use of my OS version of PicKit2.
Is there something in the cmd file that checks your version of PicKit2 OS and tells you to update? Do I really need to? The version I am satisfied using and I hesitate to upgrade because evertime I have ever upgraded to anything from Microchip I spend the next week trying to resolve all the incompatibilities.
Theirs nothing in FL to do with the above.
I have always had good luck with the PICkit upgrades although I always am a little concerned.
I think it even auto reprograms each time I change PIC series but not sure.
- 21st September 2011, 05:01
FineLineIDE v1.6.0.0 ( with support for PBP3 is now available!
FL supports PicBasicPro PBP3 compiler all versions.
PicBasicPro compiler now directly calls MPASM as displayed during compile and assembly.
FL PBP3 generates a .COF file to be used by MPLAB in simulation or in-circuit debugging modes, and by the Proteus simulator.
Added a keyboard shortcut template which can be edited in Paint for width to match your keyboard.
- 8th April 2012, 06:32
FineLineIDE v1.6.0.0 ( with support for PBP3 is now available!
I just installed my PBP3 upgrade today, and hence also needed to download/insstall FLIDE v1.6.0.0 to have PBP3 compatibility. I copied over the FineLineIDE.ini, CoolbarPositions and Skins from my previous v1.5.0.0. I then checked all the options to make sure they copied over, which it appeared they did. However, I am now having problems.
1) When I attempt to compile a program that always compiled/assembled OK before, I now get the error as shown in the attached screen snapshot file, FLI1_6_0_0.pdf.
I checked for the file name that is mentioned with an .ERR extension and it is located in the same folder as where the .pbp file is that I attempted to compile. So I don't understand why it is saying it can't find the file and is giving me this error that prevents compile/assembly.
Can you please advise me how to solve this problem?
Regards, John Ellis
- 8th April 2012, 06:46
What does the *.ERR file say when you open it in notepad?
- 8th April 2012, 07:20
I checked for the file name that is mentioned with an .ERR extension and it is located in the same folder as where the .pbp file is that I attempted to compile.
Regards, John Ellis
Do a check to be sure the path in the "Did not find file" message is exactly the same as the file path in the same folder as where the .pbp file is.
Paste the path on the forum including the file name.
Possibly even upper/lower case could produce an error.
- 8th April 2012, 19:02
Sorry if I missed this:
How does FL compare with MCSP in terms of generated code?
I assume there's more than one way to skin a cat when compiling.
- 8th April 2012, 19:28
Sorry if I missed this:
How does FL compare with MCSP in terms of generated code?
I assume there's more than one way to skin a cat when compiling.
FL is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
It's somewhat like word is compared to notepad only its for programming.
The same compiler is used with FL as is with Microcode Studio.
I developed FL because I wanted additional features such as If-Endif code bracketing, color background, and presently undergoing testing is code folding and auto-indent.
Soon you may never indent another line and keep only the current active areas of code unfolded for a compact display of your code.
- 9th April 2012, 01:37
Upon more digging and testing, it appears this problem may have been caused by the fact that my PBP3 install was not "activated" yet. I hopefully will get activation key Monday and will see if this solves the problem. Till then?
- 9th April 2012, 04:53
FL is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
It's somewhat like word is compared to notepad only its for programming.
Just one more thing I just keep forgetting all the time.
I developed FL because I wanted additional features such as If-Endif code bracketing, color background, and presently undergoing testing is code folding and auto-indent.
I like formatted code too. Looking forward to trying this out, most likely when I upgrade to PBP 3.0.
- 9th April 2012, 06:09
I like formatted code too. Looking forward to trying this out, most likely when I upgrade to PBP 3.0.
Do not wait, you are missing out on a really nice editor.
- 15th April 2012, 05:14
Upon more digging and testing, it appears this problem may have been caused by the fact that my PBP3 install was not "activated" yet. I hopefully will get activation key Monday and will see if this solves the problem. Till then?
Did activation solve the problem?
If so I will "You may require activation of PicBasicPro" to the error message.
- 16th April 2012, 06:18
Did activation solve the problem?
If so I will "You may require activation of PicBasicPro" to the error message.
Before I activated I did some other things. Now that it is activated it works, but not sure whether that was the single act that let things work.
- 24th April 2012, 12:21
Hello Everyone,
I am trying out FL IDE and get the same thing as in this FL1_6_0_0.pdf ( The Code compiles fine inn the MCSEX IDE.
- 24th April 2012, 12:56
Hello Everyone,
I am trying out FL IDE and get the same thing as in this FL1_6_0_0.pdf ( The Code compiles fine inn the MCSEX IDE.
Locate the error file and check the error message file path exactly against the actual file path for any differances.
Post the file path.
- 24th April 2012, 23:36
Hi Norm,
From what I can tell the paths are correct. The Path is C:\Users\Charlie\ Documents\PBP Projects. The project compiles fine using MCS.
- 25th April 2012, 00:37
Hi Norm,
From what I can tell the paths are correct. The Path is C:\Users\Charlie\ Documents\PBP Projects. The project compiles fine using MCS.
Did you find the .ERR file?
Open Windows explorer and browse to the "C:\Users\Charlie\ Documents\PBP Projects" directory.
If not intentionally generate an error to see if it is found.
- 25th April 2012, 17:40
It's there but its called instead of test.err
- 26th April 2012, 01:43
It's there but its called instead of test.err
I will start on an update to look for .er if .err isn't found.
PM me your email address for a test copy.
- 7th May 2012, 07:49
Coming soon: FineLineIDE Code Collapse and AutoIndent!
The most requested feature Code Collapse and perfectly indented code "as you type" should be ready this month (May 2012)!
FL 2.0 is now in Beta.
- 7th May 2012, 22:25
Very nice indeed Norm! I know I've asked for that very feature and I appreciate the work!
Have you looked at the possibillity of integrating source level debugging? (Hardware based (PICKit3 for example) not a software "stub" like in MCSP)
Keep up the nice work!
- 8th May 2012, 00:40
Very nice indeed Norm! I know I've asked for that very feature and I appreciate the work!
Have you looked at the possibillity of integrating source level debugging? (Hardware based (PICKit3 for example) not a software "stub" like in MCSP)
Keep up the nice work!
Somewhere I read a hardware vs software ICD would require a huge database of all PICs.
Perhaps someone could further explain.
- 8th May 2012, 02:19
not a software "stub" like in MCSP
sense when is the debugger in MCSP a software debugger? I would like a software debugger. I think its one thing missing from the Proton IDE.
- 8th May 2012, 22:02
It's always been a software debugger. With that I mean that a call to a software routine is performed between each PBP command, much like OnInterrupt works. It does use the PIC hardware USART to communicate with the PC but that takes up firmware space and execution cycles.
I'm afraid I don't know the details about how the hardware debugger works but I'd guess all the files needed are available since it IS possible to debug at the source level from within MPLAB. I think it uses the .coff file generated at compile/assembly time but I don't know what else is needed.
- 2nd June 2012, 06:16
Now available new FineLineIDE v2.0.0.0 ( with code collapse and auto indent!
Collapse unused lines for better view of relevant code.
Auto indent as you code for perfectly formatted indentation.
- 2nd June 2012, 14:48
Thank you for your work Normnet!!!
- 2nd June 2012, 23:56
I forgot to mention tabs was also added (smart and regular).
Smart tabs advance to the next character following a space in the lines preceding.
Regular tabs advance a preselected number of spaces.
- 26th August 2012, 17:09
Hi Norm,
I tested your latest version, but for some reason include files refuse to open. No matter if I use relative or full path to file locations.
Any idea what might be wrong?
In MicroCode Studio environment, include files are working OK.
- 26th August 2012, 17:53
Hi Norm,
I tested your latest version, but for some reason include files refuse to open. No matter if I use relative or full path to file locations.
Any idea what might be wrong?
In MicroCode Studio environment, include files are working OK.
Was this on compile or a click on the explorer window include file?
Please post your
line of code.
- 26th August 2012, 18:04
Was this on compile or a click on the explorer window include file?
Click on the explorer view window.
Please post your
line of code.
Basically main program consist of several include files and this was one of them. Same thing with all the other include files, cannot open them.
INCLUDE "..\incl\Variables_v0_1.pbp"
It does not help if I change full path, c:\...
No problems to compile the program.
Then other thing that I observed. If I reopen FL (it will open latest file), but then I cannot compile opened file. I have to open same file (Ctrl+O) and then FL can compile file OK.
- 26th August 2012, 18:26
Error window says: "Invalid Include File Path:[link to 1st include file]. Aborting Compile"
PS. 20min timeout for editing sucks!!
- 27th August 2012, 03:30
INCLUDE "..\incl\Variables_v0_1.pbp"
I haven’t see the use of "..\" in an include before.
The next version of FL will add that.
INCLUDE "N-Bit_Math.pbp.txt" 'works OK
INCLUDE "E:\1PBP3\Nbit Math\N-Bit_Math.pbp.txt" 'works OK
INCLUDE "..\Nbit Math\N-Bit_Math.pbp.txt" 'not OK in this version of FL
Could you provide more examples of the exact include line to see if their are more unanticipated items?
- 27th August 2012, 07:53
No matter what I enter after INCLUDE, it does not open files ?!?
Even if I place file in root (c:\) and try to open from there, no success. Also shortening name below 8 char didn't help.
I downloaded v2 zip and extracted to C:\PIC\FineLine folder. I have not used earlier version of FL with this computer, so am I missing some plug-in or something or should zip include everything?
- 27th August 2012, 08:46
No matter what I enter after INCLUDE, it does not open files ?!?
Even if I place file in root (c:\) and try to open from there, no success. Also shortening name below 8 char didn't help.
I downloaded v2 zip and extracted to C:\PIC\FineLine folder. I have not used earlier version of FL with this computer, so am I missing some plug-in or something or should zip include everything?
INCLUDE "N-Bit_Math.pbp.txt"
FL first looks for the include file as written above in the directory in which your .pbp program is saved.
Secondly it looks in the PicBasicPro compiler directory as set up in options.
Third it does additonal searching but try the above first.
The download includes everything.
- 27th August 2012, 14:05
Works if include file is in the same folder as the main pbp (as you said),
INCLUDE "Variables_v0_1.pbp"
but if file is in different folder then it fails to open it (path in front of actual file is not working).
Could this be fixed?
I prefer kind of "modular coding", which means that I use a lots of includes in main pbp. All the code is in include files, which are located in different folder, etc ../include/ -folder to keep thing more clear and readable. This is working very well with MicroCode Studio.
- 27th August 2012, 14:14
The INCLUDE command is part of PBP, the text editor used to write the code does not have anything to do with it.
- 27th August 2012, 14:32
The INCLUDE command is part of PBP, the text editor used to write the code does not have anything to do with it.
Correct; for compiling PBP finds the include files.
Gusse may be opening the include files with a click in the explorer window.
The next version of FL will also do an explorer open if the full path is provided in the include.
I'm not sure how to code for a partial path as it could be anywhere on the hard drive and doing a search could take several minutes in some cases unless their is a way to limit it.
- 27th August 2012, 14:38
I'm not sure how to code for a partial path as it could be anywhere on the hard drive and doing a search could take several minutes in some cases unless their is a way to limit it.
Relative path should be always linked to main pbp-file folder (at least this is how it is done in MicroCode Studio), so that should fix the location in HD.
- 28th August 2012, 00:48
Relative path should be always linked to main pbp-file folder (at least this is how it is done in MicroCode Studio), so that should fix the location in HD.
You are saying if the include isn't in the main pbp folder it is within one of it's sub folders?
- 28th August 2012, 16:55
You are saying if the include isn't in the main pbp folder it is within one of it's sub folders?
It doesn't have to be a sub folder in main pbp-file folder. It can be any folder and path is point to it (same like in command prompt, i.e: "cd .." goes 1 level up for current folder).
If main pbp-file is located
and include files
In MCS I can do
include "..\incl\[filename_to_be_included].pbp"
so starting folder is "c:\pic\pbp\prog" and then it goes one level up "c:\pic\pbp" and then to "incl"-folder, which is parallel to prog.
- 29th August 2012, 02:08
It doesn't have to be a sub folder in main pbp-file folder. It can be any folder and path is point to it (same like in command prompt, i.e: "cd .." goes 1 level up for current folder).
so starting folder is "c:\pic\pbp\prog" and then it goes one level up "c:\pic\pbp" and then to "incl"-folder, which is parallel to prog.
So FL should look in main pbp file folder and all of its sub folders and all up clicks to root(C:\)?
- 29th August 2012, 03:37
I think PBP only looks in the directory the code is in and the directory PBP is in. Any other location needs to have the path to the include in the code. So look in the two default locations and parse the INCLUDE line for the other possible locations???
- 9th September 2012, 19:14
It doesn't have to be a sub folder in main pbp-file folder. It can be any folder and path is point to it (same like in command prompt, i.e: "cd .." goes 1 level up for current folder).
so starting folder is "c:\pic\pbp\prog" and then it goes one level up "c:\pic\pbp" and then to "incl"-folder, which is parallel to prog.
Problem: Opening an include in FL explorer which is located in a parallel directory.
I have written a include open routine which does what you have requested in FineLineIDE.
In tests with MCS however I am unable to duplicate opening an .inc in: M:\PBP3\ABC INCLUDE
with the .pbp program in: M:\PBP3\ABC PROGRAM
when called out as: Include "...\ABC INCLUDE\TEST1.INC"
I am using Microcode Studio and compiler PBPX
What versions are you using?
I can email you a test version of FL with the new include routine if you PM me your email address.
- 12th September 2012, 07:46
Hi Horm,
There are still couple of issues that I noticed in brief trial with v2.0.0.1 BETA.
If you re-open FL, then it cannot compile file. (require that file has been once openned with FL earlier). Same issue that I noticed also earlier.
"Invalid Include Path: "..\incl\PIC18F4520_config.pbp" Aborting Compile"
If you open same file again (with Ctrl+O or with button) then it will compile the file.
Include files are accessible, but when you try to close them then FL says (pop-up):
"FL THREAD ERROR 0" and there is OK button. Once pressed OK, another pop-up will come up with same error again. And again and again... Only by pressing "Close Tab" button again error message will disappear.
At least I can repeat this issue when I open all include files and close FL, then re-open FL and try to close include tabs.
Used test file:
- 13th September 2012, 20:01
v2.0.0.2 BETA seems to work OK :)
There is still an issue about saving & closing tabs. If you open and close tab without leaving tab and content is untouched, FL will not prompt "Save Changes" question. But if you change to other tab and return and then close without modifying tab content, FL always ask if you would like to save changes. I think this is minor problem but fixable.
Good job Norm!
EDIT: If you click "***CURRENT LINE***" in exlorer view (includes), it tries to open same name include file without success. Could it be changed/removed?
- 16th September 2012, 02:06
Thanks for writing such a nice editor, Norm.
Locate the error file and check the error message file path exactly against the actual file path for any differences.
Post the file path.
I'm seeing this behavior with
Source path is C:\Users\dlkerl\picstuff\oven
The path is identical in the error message, but the file name in the source directory only has one 'R': OVEN_V0_3.ER (empty file)
MCS launches PBP with no problems (PBP 2.45)
Unrelated question: Is it possible to stop automatic indentation of labels in ASM blocks?
- 16th September 2012, 10:20
Hey Norm,
Could you make available the pre PBP3 version of FineLine. I am still having trouble on machines that do not have PBP3 with the current FineLine.
- 16th September 2012, 15:22
Thanks for writing such a nice editor, Norm.
I'm seeing this behavior with
Source path is C:\Users\dlkerl\picstuff\oven
The path is identical in the error message, but the file name in the source directory only has one 'R': OVEN_V0_3.ER (empty file)
MCS launches PBP with no problems (PBP 2.45)
Unrelated question: Is it possible to stop automatic indentation of labels in ASM blocks?
The .ER file is the PBP compiler text to assy error file.
The .ERR file is the MPSAM assy to hex error file.
Possibly the "Users" in C:\Users\dlkerl\picstuff\oven is throwing FL off?
Try compiling with your program file in a non Users directory.
Yes I should be able to disable all auto indent of assy lines if that would be best?
Anyone familiar with assy please advise.
I am presently finishing up the pre beta of FL with several fixes.
- 16th September 2012, 15:33
Hey Norm,
Could you make available the pre PBP3 version of FineLine. I am still having trouble on machines that do not have PBP3 with the current FineLine.
I have added an Archives Page.
See FineLineIDE. (
Email me the trouble you are having.
I am presently at pre beta and this would be a good time to do fixes.
- 16th September 2012, 17:10
Thanks Norm,
The problem is the same as mentioned in post #112 of this thread and if I recall correctly in another thread. When you added support for PBP3 older versions without the registration code from MeLabs does not work. The screen shot in post #112 is typical.
Sooner or later everyone will be updated... but in my case I have more than three machines with PBP and I really do not want to pay the fee multiple times. So I am still using PBP2.6x on a few.
- 25th September 2012, 19:25
Thank you for the program, upon start up i receive an access violation, it is probably because i have denied it access to the internet, can you tell me please why it calls home.
- 25th September 2012, 21:35
Thank you for the program, upon start up i receive an access violation, it is probably because i have denied it access to the internet, can you tell me please why it calls home.
An access violation occurs when the program is attempting to read/write to an array element beyond the length of the array.
Try temporarily renaming the FineLineIDE.ini file in the FL directory for a clean start up to see if that solves the problem.
- 26th September 2012, 10:15
Thanks Norm,
The problem is the same as mentioned in post #112 of this thread and if I recall correctly in another thread. When you added support for PBP3 older versions without the registration code from MeLabs does not work. The screen shot in post #112 is typical.
Thanks again Norm!!!!
The test "beta" program you gave me to try is working great!!!
- 30th September 2012, 03:26
Hey Norm,
Here is a suggestion for FineLine...
How about having the ability to link a basic program to a schematic file. Or to be able to attach a drawing to a given program. That way when months or years later you open an old program you can easily pull up the schematic for the project.
Just a thought... possibly it would be just as easy to reference the given schematic in the notes or comments at the beginning of your program.
others thoughts??
- 30th September 2012, 04:05
Or just keep everything for the given project in a directory of its own...
- 25th December 2012, 17:46
Impossible to download a correct version of the newest FineLineIde. In fact the Zip is corrupted and cannot be decompressed.
Could you please help.
Thank you
- 25th December 2012, 17:54
I just tried it from here and it worked fine
- 26th December 2012, 04:55
thank you.
- 26th December 2012, 18:48
Thank you. In fact and always i tried on an other computer i encountered the same problem( file corrupted wrong CRC..). I could obtain same in downloading the file "FineLineIDE.php?action=download1" which is the short cut for download with the help of a downloader, i renamed it in . rar and finally obtained the good file. What is the mystery??
Anyhow thank you again.:)
- 27th December 2012, 01:47
I just tested the download and it unzipped without error.
- 7th September 2014, 19:35
Hi Norm,
Is FineLineIDE still alive?
- 8th September 2014, 03:24
Hi Norm,
Is FineLineIDE still alive?
FineLine IDE is undergoing a rewrite as time permits.
- 8th September 2014, 03:27
Cool !!
Is the last version still available? I seem to have misplaced it.
- 9th September 2014, 04:40
Cool !!
Is the last version still available? I seem to have misplaced it.
The hosting site is apparently down.
Try FineLineIDE. (
Unzip and change .abc to .exe
- 9th September 2014, 05:42
FineLine IDE is undergoing a rewrite as time permits.
Is it ready now?
(Couldn't resist :) )
- 10th September 2014, 15:52
The hosting site is apparently down.
Try FineLineIDE. (
Unzip and change .abc to .exe
Thanks Norm!!
- 11th September 2014, 01:53
Are we there yet?
(I couldn't resist either)
- 28th May 2015, 01:49
The new FineLineIDE v3.0 ( is now available!
A rewrite for reliability, Bookmarks and Unused.
Less code collapse as it doubled the size and complexity of the program.
- 29th May 2015, 05:13
Thanks Norm!!!
Question, what does
"Did Not Find New .bas File. Aborting"
message mean when I try to compile?
- 29th May 2015, 12:27
Thanks Norm!!!
Question, what does
"Did Not Find New .bas File. Aborting"
message mean when I try to compile?
Dave I sent you an email.
- 29th May 2015, 17:12
Hi Norm,
Thanks for the new version of FineLineIDE. I was trying it when I noticed something strange. Only part of code was visible in FineLineIDE and after debugging reason was Scandinavian letter in comment line. There is something weird happening if code have one or more of these letters: Ä,Ö,Å or ä,ö,å.
Also, I had difficulties to set PicBasicPro Compiler in Options menu. I fix this, by manually editing FineLineIDE.ini file. After manual modification to ini-file, file compiled OK.
- 30th May 2015, 09:27
Hi Norm,
Thanks for the new version of FineLineIDE. I was trying it when I noticed something strange. Only part of code was visible in FineLineIDE and after debugging reason was Scandinavian letter in comment line. There is something weird happening if code have one or more of these letters: Ä,Ö,Å or ä,ö,å.
Also, I had difficulties to set PicBasicPro Compiler in Options menu. I fix this, by manually editing FineLineIDE.ini file. After manual modification to ini-file, file compiled OK.
Gusse I PM you a beta 3.01 to test retaining non English text.
- 30th May 2015, 15:22
Hi Norm,
I think I found the problem. I am running windows in a VirtualBox but the files are stored on the host OS. I tried putting the file in the windows environment and the error went away.
If it is any help, the machine I tried this on has openSUSE as the host and Windows7 as the guest.
- 12th June 2015, 19:29
Hi Norm, first, a big thank you for the wonderful tool.
I use it as my default IDE, but go over to the 'other' IDE every time I need to use the ICD.
I believe you had released a plugin for Proton to be able to compile for ICD; is there a chance a similar feature would be available for PBP?
Thanks again.
- 13th June 2015, 06:32
Hi Norm, first, a big thank you for the wonderful tool.
I use it as my default IDE, but go over to the 'other' IDE every time I need to use the ICD.
I believe you had released a plugin for Proton to be able to compile for ICD; is there a chance a similar feature would be available for PBP?
Thanks again.
Glad to see your making good use of FL!
It wasn't me who made the ICD plugin for Proton.
There are no plans to add one to FL as time doesn't permit.
FL does include a "Compile and MPLAB sim" button to help load for sim in MPLAB however.
Else continue to use the "Open in Orig IDE" to sim in Microcode Studio as needed.
- 13th June 2015, 09:00
Oh okay, thanks for the prompt response.
- 28th June 2015, 10:54
FineLineIDE v3.2 ( is now available.
FL v3.1 changes FL's method of opening files as some users files didn't fully open.
FL v3.2 replaces non English text with spaces on open, paste and save.
The non English text was causing FL to freeze as FL does not support UNICODE.
- 29th July 2015, 02:54
FineLineIDE v3.3 ( is now available.
v3.3 has a low profile toolbar with selectable large or small icons and view or hide individual icons.
Should benefit laptops or smaller screens.
- 4th August 2015, 15:17
The link takes you to the FineLine page but I cannot download the program. Anyone else having issues?
- 4th August 2015, 16:35
Worked fine here. Took me to this page
I downloaded but have not had time to use it yet.
- 5th August 2015, 04:00
The link takes you to the FineLine page but I cannot download the program. Anyone else having issues?
Its a little misleading about not previewing a zip file but it should download.
- 13th January 2016, 07:44
I can't find the 16F690 device in the list. Is it my eyes?
On the other hand, I didn't find any clue about how to create new devices, if needed of course.
Is this possible?
- 13th January 2016, 14:13
I can't find the 16F690 device in the list. Is it my eyes?
On the other hand, I didn't find any clue about how to create new devices, if needed of course.
Is this possible?
See attached screenshot:
FineLineIDE v3.3
- 13th January 2016, 15:38
My face finally revealed!!!
- 4th April 2016, 22:01
Hi All
Has anyone got V3.3 running on windows 10?. I can set PBP3 path etc in options but it forgets it after selection.
Cheers Pete
- 4th April 2016, 23:58
Hi All
Has anyone got V3.3 running on windows 10?. I can set PBP3 path etc in options but it forgets it after selection.
Cheers Pete
Quick question: Did you check the box for the PBP3 path as in some cases there are multiple versions and click OK to close options?
- 5th April 2016, 11:38
Hi Norm
Yes, I tried both adding it manually and also ticking the box when its automatically found. It does the same thing with the compiler too. I did add it manually to the ini file and that worked. I`ve not done that yet for the compiler as I'd like to see why its happening.
Cheers Pete
- 5th April 2016, 12:42
Hi Norm
Yes, I tried both adding it manually and also ticking the box when its automatically found. It does the same thing with the compiler too. I did add it manually to the ini file and that worked. I`ve not done that yet for the compiler as I'd like to see why its happening.
Cheers Pete
What directory is FineLineIDE.exe located?
It may be a Windows protected directory which wont allow changes to the ini file.
Try a new location even a folder on the desktop should work.
- 5th April 2016, 16:20
Hi Norm
Tried it root C: Program files, desktop even via dropbox. I can find and select for example the compiler, click OK then if I try to select a PIC from the dropdown I get "Find PBPx.EXE in Options". If I go back in the selection has gone. I`m wondering if its Windows 10 specific. Cheers Pete
- 6th April 2016, 00:50
Hi Norm
Tried it root C: Program files, desktop even via dropbox. I can find and select for example the compiler, click OK then if I try to select a PIC from the dropdown I get "Find PBPx.EXE in Options". If I go back in the selection has gone. I`m wondering if its Windows 10 specific. Cheers Pete
I see Windows 10 is still a free upgrade so I will see how it goes.
Meanwhile perhaps you could try a new FL download in case the ini portion became corrupted.
- 6th April 2016, 01:32
I just now downloaded FL 3.3 onto a Windows 10 machine and it compiles OK and closes and reopens and compiles again.
On compile FL does prompt to switch from PBP3 to prePBP3 when needed and if so you will need to find the other compiler in options but just once for each.
Not likely but I wonder if administrative privileges are required for an ini save?
- 6th April 2016, 18:38
Hi Norm
I`m wondering if its permissions. If I edit the ini file manually and add in the paths its OK, it just wont select and add from the program. Long shot but have you a debug version which will log what's happening so I could provide you with some solid data. Cheers Pete
- 8th May 2017, 18:12
Hi Norm.
I just gave 3,76 version a test drive, but I can't seem to be able to select a device. The device drop down menu does not show any chip not can I write any device there.
Then after trying to insert my chip in that window, it crashed. I have a crash report if you want me to send you.
- 9th May 2017, 01:25
Hi Norm.
I just gave 3,76 version a test drive, but I can't seem to be able to select a device. The device drop down menu does not show any chip not can I write any device there.
Then after trying to insert my chip in that window, it crashed. I have a crash report if you want me to send you.
Be sure the PBP compiler is located in options > PicBasicPro Compiler as FL searches for devices within that directory.
I will add a message for instances when FL doesn't find the devices to prompt for locating the compiler. Also if a device is entered to take some safeguards.
- 9th May 2017, 12:20
No... clicking inside the dropdown box it says Find PBPx.EXE in Options.
I have installed the PBP in a secondary drive (D:\ ...) as I have an SSD as primary disk.
- 9th May 2017, 13:24
No... clicking inside the dropdown box it says Find PBPx.EXE in Options.
I have installed the PBP in a secondary drive (D:\ ...) as I have an SSD as primary disk.
What FL needs is a setting in options tab "PicBasicPro Compiler". FL needs to know the location of the PBP compiler in order to find the list of devices located there.
- 9th May 2017, 15:40
Yes I did that, but no joy...
- 9th May 2017, 19:17
Ioannis, I'm with you, It doesn't work for me either.
- 10th May 2017, 01:34
OK I am testing FL v3.76 as per Ioannis.
My version of PBP3 is
FL > Options > PicBasicPro Compiler on my PC is found at C:\PBP3\PBPX.EXE
FL looks in directory C:\PBP3\DEVICES
In that location it finds the following:
What might be different on other PC's or PBP versions other than the users specific choice of PBP3 location?
- 10th May 2017, 09:21
On my installation:
PBP 3.1 is in:
D:\Program Files (x86)\PBP3_1
and DEVICES is in:
D:\Program Files (x86)\PBP3_1\DEVICES
- 10th May 2017, 13:08
My new install is the same as yours Ionnis except on my c:/ drive. After doing what Norm suggested and finding it manually it says it has been found but when clicking on the processor selection box it still comes back saying "Find PBPx.EXE in Options"
Dave Purola,
- 10th May 2017, 13:33
Got it...thanks
Ioannis what is your PBP version? Mine apparently is out of date.
- 10th May 2017, 14:16
Dave, I have exactly the same response.
Norm, my PBP is the latest 3.1
- 10th May 2017, 14:31
Dave, I have exactly the same response.
Norm, my PBP is the latest 3.1
See this example ( from "MicrocCode Studio > Help > About" for the full version number. Mine is an older v3.0.8.4
- 10th May 2017, 16:38
My exact version is
- 10th May 2017, 19:11
Mine too....
- 11th May 2017, 13:31
I setup the compiler as in the attached picture but still asks for the compiler. It does not want to cooperate with me!
- 11th May 2017, 16:07
Norm, My work does not allow that site. I'll be monitoring the conversation as it goes along.
- 12th May 2017, 08:12
Dave, do you have two seperate disk?
Also, Norm, I have Win-7, 64 bit if that matters.
- 12th May 2017, 10:21
Dave, do you have two separate disk?
Also, Norm, I have Win-7, 64 bit if that matters.
I'm presently working on the addition of a separate category settable in options for v3.1
Hopefully ready in the not too distant future.
Perhaps will have a copy of v3.1 soon.
- 12th May 2017, 13:04
Ioannis, Everything is mounted on my root drive C:/.
Dave Purola,
- 13th May 2017, 23:37
I'm presently working on the addition of a separate category settable in options for v3.1
Hopefully ready in the not too distant future.
Perhaps will have a copy of v3.1 soon.
First of all I wish to thank all those interested in FineLineIDE BETA 3.76. To be honest though FL BETA 3.76 wasn't intended to be released for use with PBP as of yet and wasn't provided on this forum.
I began what I thought might be a fairly straight forward tweak to enable use of FL BETA 3.76 however am finding it a bit more than anticipated. Also I need PicBasicPro v3.1 to do testing as well.
As I am well into a more recent addition of a "replace all" feature which displays all and only the lines containing the replace terms and it has become obvious it would be difficult to track the changes made in FL BETA 3.76 to be certain of making the same changes in the FL currently in development.
Sorry for the misunderstanding and will be offering the next version of FL including PBP as soon as it is available. For now please use FineLineIDE v3.3 (
- 6th January 2018, 09:28
Hi Normnet,
I was wondering if I can, like MCS does, avoid the Crossing page boundary error?
I'm using your version 3.3 :wink:
- 6th January 2018, 12:56
...I forgot to mention that I currently use this method as a turnaround to avoid the error message:
@ ERRORLEVEL -306 ; turn off crossing page boundary message
- 6th January 2018, 13:18
Hi Normnet,
I was wondering if I can, like MCS does, avoid the Crossing page boundary error?
[I'm using your version 3.3 :wink:
Not at present...sorry.
- 6th January 2018, 18:32
Okay, thanks anyway.
Fantastic editor!!! :)
BTW, what or where is your official website or depository apart from the one I found in the PROTON forum (, if there is one of course?
- 6th January 2018, 19:18
The PBP download site is available in the PBP WiKi. (
- 8th January 2018, 21:42
Hi Norm,
I've read the FL's manual and couldn't find what I'm searching for so I ask here.
I was wondering if you have included an option to have lines of code that will be left out at COMPILE time?
I have also tested your version 3.76 but it crashes from the start - impossible to test :frown: Maybe something with my PC's configuration?
- 9th January 2018, 00:26
Hi Norm,
I've read the FL's manual and couldn't find what I'm searching for so I ask here.
I was wondering if you have included an option to have lines of code that will be left out at COMPILE time?
I have also tested your version 3.76 but it crashes from the start - impossible to test :frown: Maybe something with my PC's configuration?
See above post #178. Version 3.76 wasn't offered on this site and isn't compatible with PBP.
- 9th January 2018, 14:54
Thanks Norm,
What about lines not to be compiled?
- 9th January 2018, 23:13
I have been working steadily with the replace all feature as well as rewrites of the find dialog and replace dialog and am not planning past it.
- 10th January 2018, 07:47
Okay. Thanks Norm.
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