View Full Version : Need PicBasic Expert Programmer for Help and cooperation on Project

- 5th December 2010, 23:01
Hello all good folks..:) I would like expert programmers to contact me in private message with contact email. I need all your good will and knowledge because i'm innexpirienced enough to coplete project bymyself.

I need to change code written for pic12F629 to pic16F876 - reason is more outputs, problem is internal calibration of clock in pic 12f629 wich 16f876 dont have also problem is in some assembler lines of code wich wont work with 16f876.

Would like someone look at it and with 100% precison :)
say how to make it work on pic16f876.

Thank You in advance all good folks..:)

- 6th December 2010, 07:22

You need an " expert programmer " ( sic ) to run a couple of blinking lights ??? :D

you'd much better post your SOURCE program here and explain what you intend to do ...


- 6th December 2010, 16:36
Good joke Acetronics :) See that is exactly what i'm traying to avoid...:)

I need to make migration of code from pic 12f629 to 16f876....

just piece of code...to get the picture...

bsf STATUS,RP0 ;' bank 1
call 3ffH
movwf OSCCAL ;' calibrate
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;' bank 0

and stuff like that...

If somebody is willing to help me send me message and i will explain...

Can i contact you in personal message and explain it to you,send source and all?

Thank Again folks...

- 6th December 2010, 17:16

Do not tell me you ask for ASSEMBLER mods ... aboard a PICBASIC PRO forum :D
Especially when PBP shows commands to do that ... :p

Those processors have SIGNIFICANT differences, so, I doubt just changing few lines could make it ...

Once more : POST your Code; no secrets here ... 1K words is a soooo little piece of cake.


- 6th December 2010, 21:05
Haha, Acetronics you really know how to made me laugh...what can i tell the project was developed in pic basic :) Yes i know that this processors have significant differences, i'm not woried abouth 12 or 16 bit word lenghts i'm worried about internal oscilator differences, timers and stopping interupts....

Once again i will write you personal message if i may so...:)

- 7th December 2010, 18:03
what's so secret about the code.

Twice Alain has asked (twice) for you to post up the code you have for the 12F chip and then no doubt all those expert programmers we have on this board will jump in and suggest how to make the changes to port it to the 16F chip.

- 8th December 2010, 09:30
I am sure now these flashing lights are for the Nuclear Missile it is going to hit Iran in the next US war.

So thats why is so secret.

And Alain is a spy here :)

Thats why he is going to get the PM! Now all that is for front cover!

Bond, James Bond

- 8th December 2010, 10:41
Hi, Ioannis

the secret gadget is an Ir Key reader.

I already saw such gadgets from Poland or Eastern Europe, to replace some defective old Renault Ir Key receivers ... ( placed close to the mirror, under the roof )

lots on the web for 20-30 US $ ... ready to use.

Nothing so terrible ... :D


- 8th December 2010, 11:21
And Alain is a spy here :)

Thats why he is going to get the PM! Now all that is for front cover!

Bond, James Bond

LOL - No Bond is too classy for Alain --- triple X came to mind :rolleyes::D

- 8th December 2010, 11:26
Hi, Ioannis

the secret gadget is an Ir Key reader.

Following on from Ioannis's post, I have visions of those ICBM's been "started" with Renault key fobs .... :) Just hope the base commander owns a different car LOL Can see it now... walks across the car park, presses his key fob "beeeep beeeep".... and an nuke launches from behind him :)

- 8th December 2010, 12:44
Hi, GoodFellow


OR the config parameters are missing ...
OR there's a bug in your software ...

doesn't work as expected with the PBP defaults ... ;)

May I add the 876 doesn't have internal oscillator ??? nor calibration data ....


- 9th December 2010, 07:49
Well.. i would have guessed he is trying to build a "MIRT" or mobile InFrared Transmitter to change some traffic lights....

FYI Goodfellow, those strobes on top of emergency vehicles are coded....

just though you should know, before you get arrested !


- 9th December 2010, 09:28
Well.. i would have guessed he is trying to build a "MIRT" or mobile InFrared Transmitter to change some traffic lights....


... you've lost a very good opportunity to shut up ... :D I'm not so sure these toys are in use in this country ...

truth is far simpler than that !!!


- 9th December 2010, 23:25
Mhmmm..... do they even have traffic lights in France?

- 9th December 2010, 23:59
Haha, You guys are Great, You really make me laugh..:) LOL

Its top class secret military project i cant tell any details...:)

Joking, I will see will Alain came in, with something....will get back to you...

Sure will post some details later and whole project when finished....

Thanks for reading and your posts :)

- 10th December 2010, 10:18
Mhmmm..... do they even have traffic lights in France?

I was in Paris in October 2005. I can confirm that they do had traffic lights back then!

I don't know now of course. Alain?
