View Full Version : PICs and Android

- 16th November 2010, 14:02
Recently, I switched over from a Windows mobile phone to an Android. Besides the loads of interesting apps available, I also read that the USB port on any Android can be configured to work as a host.

Now, that made my imagination go wild with the possibilities, and was wondering if anyone on the forum has done anything in this area, interfacing a pic with an Android device?

Would love to learn more on this topic...



- 17th November 2010, 05:27
Hello Anand,

I have interfaced PICs with PalmOS (RIP) and the various flavors of Windows Mobile using hardware and Bluetooth serial ports. I've been tasked with porting a BT application (that interfaces with a PIC-based device) to Android and my customer was nice enough to provide me with a Droid X. Wow, what a good device. It makes phone calls too...8^)

Haven't considered attempting USB yet. I'm just barely past the "Hello World" stage at the moment.

A great starter link is here at hack-a-day (http://hackaday.com/2010/07/12/android-development-101-%E2%80%93-a-tutorial-series/).

Best Regards,

- 17th November 2010, 06:31
I am in about the same boat as Paul, just getting started.
This is the direction I am going

- 17th November 2010, 06:41
Paul, that was a superb page you directed me to. It should get me started (and keep me going).

I can already visualize being able to configure finished products on the field using the Android as an input device.

Here are some pages pertaining to the subject (USB host):



