View Full Version : Pbp + asm

Charles Linquis
- 31st October 2010, 14:09
I'm trying to drop a block of ASM code pretty much "as is" into a PBP program. I have the variables that must be passed between PBP and ASM as BANKA SYSTEM. But the ASM file is too large for PBP. I get the BLOCK OVERFLOW message.

But, when I take major sections of the ASM code and enclose them in the ASM/ENDASM framework (essentiallyl breaking the ASM program into 3 parts), it compiles just fine. The ASM code produced looks OK too. Is this program likely to work, or am I deluding myself?

Darrel Taylor
- 31st October 2010, 16:12
Sure, that's fine.

Just don't break it in the middle of a macro.
If you do, you can't use the -k# debugging option.

And PBP tries to return to BANK0 on each ASM statement.
If you aren't using PREV_BANK or PBP macros, then it won't know the bank has been changed and won't do anything.
But it sounds like you probably aren't changing banks anyway

Charles Linquis
- 31st October 2010, 17:18

Are you contributing to the next version of PBP?

Darrel Taylor
- 31st October 2010, 17:55
No, I answer the support phones, emails and do some of the shipping.

Jeff, Leonard and Charles are so far above my level of programming, not much I can do.
Some testing and debugging is on my plate though, I guess you could call that contributing.