View Full Version : 16F887 Memory, I'm out of my mind

- 30th October 2010, 01:23
Using the 16F887 which, according to the manual has 8192 flash words of program memory. When I go to program the chip it says "success 2352 words used" and it gives me crossing a code boundary error. Is there something really really obvious I'm missing here or am I short about 6,000 words?
Using Microcode studio with Me Labs pro compiler and I do have the chip 16F887 selected in the drop down box.
Do I need to increase my medications?

- 30th October 2010, 01:41
You would not have "success" and an error. I am sure it says "message".

Do I need to increase my medications?
No, but some reading will help.

- 30th October 2010, 01:53
Mea culpa, thanks for the help