View Full Version : Sleep Mode in PBP

- 4th March 2005, 18:01
I have read some threads about using the sleep cmd in PBP nd how inaccurate it is. I have also seen the ASM version of Sleep. Since I am very new to PBP I was wondering if someone could show or direct me on how to do the following (asm):

Using a Pic16F88/20mhz

Would like to place in sleep mode for 10 sec and awake. No external intervention, just setting an internal interrupt.

Thanks for your help


- 4th March 2005, 20:58
Hi Keith,
My understanding of SLEEP and its inaccuracy is that it's not due to PBP, but the variance of the watchdog timers R/C oscillator.

Maybe some of the experts here can clarify.
