View Full Version : U2 Programmer Hex file missing???

- 18th October 2010, 15:38
Hey guys, I feel like I'm overlooking something simple here but I haven't tried to use my U2 programmer in over a month, but recently I'm having problems that I didn't encounter with the same code and configuration I previously used.

I'm using an 18F part with the U2 programmer. I've had programming issues in the past the I found were related to the configuration settings but this go around that's not the case.....at least I don't think it is.

When I try to program the pic, I get a successful compile and no errors after programming but the pic does not run my code. After manipulating the configuration with no success I discovered that when looking at the memory in the programmer view, the code window is blank, like the hex file isn't uploaded to the programmer at all. I thought the the program code option in the programmer options may have been unchecked, but this is not the case.

Any ideas?
