View Full Version : 12F683 + buttons

- 14th October 2010, 19:33
Hi Folks,

I am trying to use a 12F683 with three buttons connected to issue serial commands to a motor controller. I have successfully run an almost identical program using a 16F877 (via the X1 board from MELabs) and it works. The '877 seemed like overkill, so I went to the 12F683 and thought I could run the same program. Here is my problem; the program continuously cycles through the if/then parts of the program (as evident by the LCD) and completely ignores any button inputs, which I verified using an o-scope. What has me stumped is that it works differently on the '877, ie., it will only go to a certain if/then statement unless another button is pressed. I've played with the various registers to make sure my pins are set to digital and as inputs, but to no avail. I've also tried to use one button and step through for the three different options, but I can't for the life of me figure that one out. Here is my PBP code, please let me know if you see any problems. Any help or a push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.:)

‘************************************************* ***************
' Name : 12F683MotorV2.pbp
' Compiler : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.6
' Assembler : PM or MPASM
' Target PIC : PIC12F683
' Hardware : LAB-X4 Experimenter Board
' Oscillator : Defined in program
' Keywords : SEROUT
' Description : PICBASIC PRO program to Drive Motor via SyRen25
' on LCD (and serial port).
'************************************************* ***************

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Mode definitions for Serout
ANSEL = 0 ' Set all digital
CMCON0 = 7 ' Analog comparators off
define OSC 8
OSCCON = $70
wpu = %00110001
Pause 500 ' Wait .5 second for LCD to init
LCD Var GPIO.1 ' LCD TX pin
Move var GPIO.2 'Serial Out pin for motor controller
GPIO = %00110001
TRISIO = %00110001
Open var GPIO.0
Close var GPIO.4
Mstop var GPIO.5

' Check any button pressed to move motor
If Open = 0 Then ' If Open button pressed...
serout Move, T2400, [0] ‘Send command to motor controller
pause 100
serout LCD, T2400, [$fe, 1, "Opening Door"]


If Close = 0 Then ' If Close button pressed...
serout Move, T2400, [255] ‘Send command to motor controller
pause 100
serout LCD, T2400, [$fe, 1, "Closing Door"]


If Mstop = 0 Then ' If Stop button pressed...
serout Move, T2400, [127] ‘Send command to motor controller
pause 100
serout LCD, T2400, [$fe, 1, "Stopping Door"]


Goto mainloop ' Do it forever


- 14th October 2010, 19:53
Tray with a pause 10 after mainloop.

Pause 10
If Open = 0 Then ' If Open button pressed...

