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View Full Version : 1 wire maxim DS2781

- 14th October 2010, 01:30
Any one could help on 1 wire communication?
I am using a slave DS2781 communicating with host Pic 16f690,
I used the function owout and owin, I am able to recognize presence of slave,
I have been able to receive data after a command:
OWOUT DQ, 1, [$33]
OWIN DQ, 0, [family]
using other command didn't work .
OWOUT DQ, 1, [$69,$01]
OWIN DQ, 1, [status]
I have tried to change the mode, from , to 1, to 2, to 3, ..4 and nothing change
I did change command $69 by $55, also no response, after the OWOUT, I get the presence of the slave, but I am not getting the data when I ask different address,
only with $33 it work and return $3D which is the right value.
is any configuration should be set, a different bank to switch.
any person could or give me a hint how to go about it?
thank you