View Full Version : Compilation errors

- 8th September 2010, 13:15
I am having this stange errors during compilation (pic 16F88):

\fufba-1 asm 409: address labell duplicated or different in second pass (INT_ENTRY)
\fufba-1 asm 427:address labell duplicated or different in second pass (List_Start)
\fufba-1 asm 453:address labell duplicated or different in second pass (Int_Exit)
\fufba-1 mac 12: address labell duplicated or different in second pass (_23620 OverCreate)
\fufba-1 mac 12:address labell duplicated or different in second pass (Getbytes)
\fufba-1 mac 12:address labell duplicated or different in second pass (L00097)
\fufba-1 mac 12: address labell duplicated or different in second pass (_TimeOut)
\fufba-1 mac 12:address labell duplicated or different in second pass (_GetADC)
\fufba-1 mac 12:address labell duplicated or different in second pass (L00099)
\fufba-1 mac 12: address labell duplicated or different in second pass (L00100)
\fufba-1 mac 12:address labell duplicated or different in second pass (_Main)
\fufba-1 mac 12:address labell duplicated or different in second pass (L00101)

These errors appear only with the following includes:

INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"

Removing both the includes the program compiles without any error, removing only INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas" program still compiles correctly, but gives the warning that ReEnterPBP is missing.(naturally)

program take 2700 words with all the includes, so space should not be an issue since pic 16F88 has over 4000 words space.

Any work around so that I could use DT interrupts also with this program?

Thank you for the attention.


- 8th September 2010, 13:44
This may not help. But I can recreate the first 3 errors, if I add a line like this in my code:

INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"
INT_LIST macro ;IntSource,Label,Type,ResetFlag?
INT_Handler RBC_INT, _BChange, PBP, yes
I have not figured out how to get your other errors though. I do recall someone recently "breaking" Darrels interrupts, but I can't seem to find that thread. Darrel did a rewrite to make it compatible with this guys code, and or chip. I notice that he has v 1.10 on his web page. I was using v 1.00. So if you are not using the latest, you might try that as well. You might also check that both DT_INTS-14.bas and ReEnterPBP.bas are the same version.

- 8th September 2010, 13:48
Hi, Aratti

First check you have the latest release ...


BTW MPLAB is now 8.56 ...


- 8th September 2010, 14:49
Thank you scalerobotics & Alain for your prompt answer and the right suggestion.

Yes I was using DT_INTS-14 version 1.0 the latest is 1.1.
With the new version (1.1), after the adjustment of the WSAVE variable the program did compile without any errors.

A special thank to Darrel Taylor for the Version 1.1.


- 8th September 2010, 15:12
. I do recall someone recently "breaking" Darrels interrupts, but I can't seem to find that thread. Darrel did a rewrite to make it compatible with this guys code

That'd be me, post 48 onwards in this thread


"Complete n00b 'breaks DT's universally adopted & amazing interrupt routine' shocker" :p