View Full Version : Fast Fourier Transform

- 1st March 2005, 22:32

just wondering if one of you guys ever attempted this? i want to make a spectrum analyzer; maby using multiple processors. I do not have enough experience to understand the FFT formulas so i need a example on how to use them using pbp. If you have information thanks!

- 2nd March 2005, 17:22
Hmm I did give a little less information so lets give some more, I want to make a Audio spectrum analyzer, it needs to drive 32 bars with 16 LED's a bar. so the frequentation's doesn't need to be VERY precise; we need to extract the signal in to 32 frequentation's. well that is about it :)

- 3rd March 2005, 03:35
mmm, in the past the old spectrum analyser like Klark Teknik was using really selective bandpass filter for each frequency in the audio spectrum + regular LM3914 or something like that bargraph driver for front plate LEDs. But for sure PC software(like spectra-lab or Smaart) and Neutrik ML1 or else have to use those kind of calculation. If you find the great formulas post them here. We can probably do something.

- 3rd March 2005, 17:38
this is a working formula; i think its kinda hard to import its a piece of vb code.

Sub FFTAudio(RealIn() As Integer, RealOut() As Single)
'In this case, NumSamples isn't included (since it's always the same),
'and the imaginary components are left out since they have no meaning here.

'I've used Singles instead of Doubles pretty much everywhere. I think this
'makes it faster, but due to type conversion, it actually might not. I should
'check, but I haven't.

'The imaginary components have no meaning in this application. I just left out
'the parts of the calculation that need the imaginary input values (which is a
'big speed improvement right there), but we still need the output array because
'it's used in the calculation. It's static so that it doesn't get reallocated.
Static ImagOut(0 To NumSamples - 1) As Single

'In fact... I declare everything as static! They all get initialized elsewhere,
'and Staticing them saves from wasting time reallocating and takes pressure off
'the heap.
Static I As Long, j As Long, k As Long, n As Long, BlockSize As Long, BlockEnd As Long
Static DeltaAngle As Single, DeltaAr As Single
Static Alpha As Single, Beta As Single
Static TR As Single, TI As Single, AR As Single, AI As Single

For I = 0 To (NumSamples - 1)
j = ReversedBits(I) 'I saved time here by pre-calculating all these values
RealOut(j) = RealIn(I)
ImagOut(j) = 0 'Since this array is static, gotta make sure it's clear

BlockEnd = 1
BlockSize = 2

Do While BlockSize <= NumSamples
DeltaAngle = AngleNumerator / BlockSize
Alpha = Sin(0.5 * DeltaAngle)
Alpha = 2! * Alpha * Alpha
Beta = Sin(DeltaAngle)

I = 0
Do While I < NumSamples
AR = 1!
AI = 0!

j = I
For n = 0 To BlockEnd - 1
k = j + BlockEnd
TR = AR * RealOut(k) - AI * ImagOut(k)
TI = AI * RealOut(k) + AR * ImagOut(k)
RealOut(k) = RealOut(j) - TR
ImagOut(k) = ImagOut(j) - TI
RealOut(j) = RealOut(j) + TR
ImagOut(j) = ImagOut(j) + TI
DeltaAr = Alpha * AR + Beta * AI
AI = AI - (Alpha * AI - Beta * AR)
AR = AR - DeltaAr
j = j + 1

I = I + BlockSize

BlockEnd = BlockSize
BlockSize = BlockSize * 2
End Sub