View Full Version : Two or more Hserin inside a ISR

Pedro Pinto
- 25th August 2010, 01:40
I again
Want change my code to use Darrel Interupts like this:
My questions is, when it jump to a serial communication interrupt service routine, after the first Hserin, can i wait of a second Hserin in the Interrupt routine?
Thanks for help
Best regard

' Initialize USART
TRISC = %10111111 ' Set TX (PortC.6) to out, rest in
DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 20h ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 0
DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 103 ' 2400 Baud @ 16MHz, 0.17%
''DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 25 ' 9600 Baud @ 16MHz, 0.16%
DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ' Clear overflow automatically
INCLUDE "modedefs.bas"
INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18.bas" ' Base Interrupt System
INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18.bas" ' Include if using PBP interrupts
INT_LIST macro
INT_Handler RX_INT, _IntRx, PBP, yes

low transmite 'MAX 487 in reception mode
make anything
Goto main

HSERIN 850,rxfail,[wait ("P"), dec2 func, dec3 board, dec3 dumy]

If (func = 20) and (machine = board) then 'is the data for this board?
low transmite 'MAX 487 in reception mode

'second Hserin in this ISR, ???? can that work?
HSERIN 250,rxfail,[wait ("G"),hex2 rtchr,hex2 rtcmin,hex2 rtcyear,hex2 rtcmonth,hex2
rtcdate,hex4 obrs,hex2 rtcday,hex2 daylight]
rtcsec = $00

Gosub settime

high transmite 'set MAX 487 in transmit mode
Hserout ["dumi",";",hex2 rtchr,";",hex2 rtcmin,";",hex2 rtcyear,";",hex2 rtcmonth,";",hex2
rtcdate,";",hex4 obrs,";",hex2 rtcday,13,10]
low transmite 'set MAX 487 in reception mode again
goto RXfail


- 25th August 2010, 04:24
can i wait of a second
You probably could but why.
Get in and out of the ISR as quick as possible. Do the IF/THEN stuff outside of the ISR and let the ISR pick up the second set of data. Other wise you might end up missing data someplace.

Pedro Pinto
- 25th August 2010, 12:49
Hello mackrackit
I have this run without interrupts, and now want like i said use Darrel interrupt solution
This is the simplified code that i use, apreciate any help how to do this with interrupt routine
Best regards

maq = 114 'board number
The PC send example: P20114123

gosub blink 'not important
gosub progboard
goto main

blink: only to see that the program runs
' led blink 2x

vezes = 0
low transmite 'set MAX 487 in receive mode
repeted: 'manual timeout
vezes = vezes + 1
if vezes > 15 then final
SERIN2 rx_485,bmode,250,repeted,[wait ("P"),dec2 func,dec3 board,dec3 dumy] 'receive commands to execute
high led 'to see that receive a command
Pause 500
low led
if (func = 20) and (maq = board) then 'test if it is for this board to set on board RTC
low transmite 'set MAX 487 in receive mode
vezes = 0
repetec: 'manual timeout
vezes = vezes + 1
if vezes > 20 then final
low transmite 'set MAX 487 in receive mode
'receive the data to set the realtime clock
SERIN2 rx_485,bmode,250,repetec,[wait ("G"),hex2 rtchr,hex2 rtcmin,hex2 rtcyear,hex2 rtcmonth,hex2 rtcdate,hex4 obra,hex2 rtcday,hex2 daylight]
rtcsec = $00
toggle led
Gosub settime 'set the RTC on the board
pause 100
rtchr = 0:rtcmin = 0:rtcyear = 0:rtcmonth = 0:rtcdate = 0:rtcday = 0
pause 100
segu_daylight = daylight 'backup
Gosub gettime 'read the board RTC after setting
pause 10
vezes = 0
repeteb: 'timeout manual
vezes = vezes + 1
if vezes > 40 then final
low transmite 'set MAX 487 in receive mode
Serin2 rx_485,bmode,250,repeteb,[wait ("R")]
HIGH transmite 'set MAX487 in transmit mode
pause 2000 'important
'send received data back to PC to test if the on board RTC it correct set
serout2 tx_485,bmode,["dumi",";",hex2 rtchr,";",hex2 rtcmin,";",hex2 rtcyear,";",hex2 rtcmonth,";",hex2 rtcdate,";",hex4 obra,";",hex2 rtcday,13,10]
endif 'if func = 20
' ******************* Test if new data available for the PC *****************
'The PC scan sequencialy all boards on the network for new data
If (func = 30) and (maq = board) and (reg_completo = 1) then 'test if the request of data is for this board

tmp0 = 0:tmp1 = 0:tmp2 = 0:tmp3 = 0:tmp4 = 0:tmp5 = 0:tmp6 = 0:tmp7 = 0:tmp8 = 0:tmp9 = 0:tmp10 = 0
tmp11 = 0:tmp12 = 0:tmp13 = 0:tmp14 = 0:tmp15 = 0:tmp_tecn = 0
'get the data from the CPU Eeprom to send to the PC
read 10,tmp0
read 11,tmp1
read 12,tmp2
read 13,tmp3
read 14,tmp4
read 15,tmp5
read 16,tmp6
read 17,tmp7
read 18,tmp8
read 19,tmp9
read 20,tmp10
read 21,tmp11
read 22,tmp12
read 23,tmp13
read 24,tmp14
read 25,tmp15
read 26,tmp_tecnH
read 27,tmp_tecnL
'make a simple checksum
som = tmp0 + tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3 + tmp4 + tmp5 + tmp6 + tmp7 + tmp8 + tmp9 + tmp10 + tmp11 + tmp12 + tmp13 + tmp14 + tmp15 + tmp_tecn
HIGH transmite 'set MAX487 in transmit mode
pause 2000 '### important
serout2 tx_485,bmode,["dumi",";",hex2 tmp0,";",hex2 tmp1,";",hex2 tmp2,_
";",hex2 tmp3,";",hex2 tmp4,";",hex2 tmp5,_
";",hex2 tmp6,";",hex2 tmp7,";",hex2 tmp8,_
";",hex2 tmp9,";",hex2 tmp10,";",hex2 tmp11,_
";",dec3 tmp12,";",dec3 tmp13,";",dec3 tmp14,_
";",hex2 tmp15,";",hex4 tmp_tecn,";",dec som,13,10]
low transmite 'set MAX 487 in receive mode
vezes = 0
repete: 'manual timeout
vezes = vezes + 1
if vezes > 36 then final
SERIN2 rx_485,bmode,250,repete,[WAIT ("OK"),dec3 board] 'receive confirmation from PC that data OK
if board = maq then
toggle led 'only for debug


- 25th August 2010, 20:50
I think the way I would do this is to have the ISR read any serial data into an array, the check the array for "P", "G", or "R" and act accordingly.

You will have to use the USART (HSERIN). And it will pretty much be a complete re-write of what you have now...