View Full Version : DT_Elapsed timer constant for 40 MHz?

- 10th July 2010, 02:39
I'm running with the version of DT_INTS found on your website, and ASSuming those are the latest.


One small problem, though. I'm running this PIC at 40 MHz, and would like to use your Elapsed timer interrupts. Do you have a TimerConst that I can use at this frequency?


- 11th July 2010, 08:10
40mhz is too fast to get a 100hz interrupt without a pre-scaler.

So what you will have to do is add this to the frequency part of Elapsed_INT-18.bas

If OSC == 40
TimerConst = 0CF2Dh

And then add this line somewhere near the start of your program to set a 1:8 prescaler on TMR1.


*note* untested

*edit* changed values to make it more accurate

- 11th July 2010, 17:28
Thanks for that. Inside the Elapsed_INT-18.bas file, was reference to a link that was suppose to show you how to calculate different TimerConsts for different crystal frequencies, but it is now dead. I will test this tomorrow.

Can I add the prescaler to the Elapsed_INT-18.bas like this, or does it have to be external?

If OSC == 40
T1CON.4=1 ; Set a 1:8 prescaler
T1CON.5=1 ; on TMR1

- 11th July 2010, 20:09
doh! (nevermind)

Darrel Taylor
- 12th July 2010, 01:06
Kamikaze47's numbers are theoretically correct, and it will appear to work.

However, this is the reason I never added OSC frequencies above 20mhz to the Elapsed timer ...
Anything over 24mhz would require a prescaler to get 100hz interrupts.
And every time you reload the Timer, the Prescaler gets cleared.

With a 1:8 prescaler, it could lose up to 7 counts on every interrupt.
At 100 hz, it could lose up to 700 counts every second. That's 70uS with 40mhz OSC.
Not good for a clock, especially in the long term.

I was thinking about it yesterday and realized that I could make a software "postscaler" in the ISR and run the interrupts at higher frequencies for the chips running >24mhz.

So that's what I did.
The attached version of Elapsed_INT-18.bas (ver 1.2) should work with any OSC.

The TimerConst is now calculated automatically instead of using "constants".
The Timer is always 1:1, and at 40mhz will run at 200hz.
Then the handler counts off 2 groups of 100 ticks (1:2 postscaler).
@ 64mhz the timer is 400hz, with a postscaler of 1:4.

You can use the INT_Handler as an ASM "type" interrupt to save overhead.

I've only had it running a few hours @40mhz, but it seems to be keeping time really well. (better than my PC).
We'll see what it's like after a few days.
