View Full Version : Does supply voltage effect baud rate?

- 9th July 2010, 20:34
When operating within the rated voltages of a pic 12F683 does the supply voltage effect the generated baud rate?

I'm struggling with series comms using a 12F683 at 4mhz sending 8N1 data using serout N9600.

I have a logic analyser and it reports the baud rate as 8696 which is around 10% off and I think causing my data corruption.

I have had this working before with a 4mhz clock for months. very odd? Any ideas?

Darrel Taylor
- 9th July 2010, 20:42
If you have PBP 2.60 and are using SEROUT, you should apply the "A" patch that was released last week.

It fixes the SEROUT/IN baud rate.

- 9th July 2010, 21:34
Thanks for that i was pulling my hair out! It was working when compiled with earlier version :mad:

What exactly is the issue with it that has been corrected?

Darrel Taylor
- 9th July 2010, 21:56
Several things have been corrected, including those that were listed on the "Issues" page.

SERIN/OUT is the 4th one down ... (Commands affected: SERIN/SEROUT)

- 16th July 2010, 08:43
Can 9600 baud rate be supported at 4MHz?
I read 2400 is the safe option and in some cases 4800 can be supported at MAX.