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View Full Version : fastest and best compiler

- 25th February 2005, 16:07
Hi guys, I am struggling with the prospect of either using another compiler or doing everything in assembly because the code from PBP is a bit too slow. I am using a 20Mhz crystal and a pic16f877a even if i bump up the crystal speed to 40mhz it would not bee good enough. I am using the Pic to do some DSP so I need to be able to sample and do calculations very quickly or I will get aliasing.

Is there another compiler that is quicker and easy to learn? or should I just bite the bullet and learn assembly?

BTW anyone have any experience with the ARM MCUs? I have been hearing lots of good things about them. Can anyone reccomend a good programmer or starter package for the ARM MCU?


Alan To

- 26th February 2005, 17:43
have a look at Protonplus.

- 27th February 2005, 08:12
Hi, Toalan

The answer is in your question ...

IF you want to calculate ... use a real DSP, not an " old all purpose " 16F 877 ... I think Microchip has committed some good ones ...

But you have to use the adapted language for speed, speed , and speed.

A little joke: a high level mathematician from our National research resort ( the CNRS ) , on another list, wanted to show us what is " THE Right programming " ... on the same project, he proposes a 18F1320@40 Mhz ... When I propose a 16F84@ 10Mhz, with extra features, using 1/2 memory !!!

First job is to select the adaquate tool ...don't you think ???


- 28th February 2005, 01:18
oh man another processor another language to learn.

- 2nd November 2005, 21:31
i concider this stange, because when i started with pics, the only thing i found online resembling a pic tutorial was always in assembler, thats why im still struggling with basic the best place i have to learn that is the elaborate manual!(and, of course, this site) :)

- 3rd November 2005, 18:31

Alain has already mentioned it, the problem is not with the compiler, the 16F877 simply is the wrong choice for your kind of application.