View Full Version : Uqfn / qfn 16f1827

- 21st June 2010, 23:35
I need a sanity check... I can program my DIP package for 16F1827 via ICSP. When I try to program
the UQFN exactly the same way it says "target device does not match selected device". I have the
data and clk wires going to the proper ports. I have no caps or resistors in the MCLR where VPP
is connected.

Does the UQFN program differently? I am using the U2 programmer (yes it's firmware has been


- 22nd June 2010, 11:39
They should program the same. Just a different package.
Double check your connections, sound like something is wrong there...

- 23rd June 2010, 04:33
I found the problem. The tech ordered the wrong part. He ordered 16LF1827, I was trying to
program it like the regular voltage part. I need to use it with a 3.7v LiPo, so it will not work for me. I ordered the regular voltage rated part, should be here by Thursday.


- 25th June 2010, 01:52
Yeap confirmed, the "LF" part didn't program with the USB-U2 programmer. The "F" version programmed nicely without issue using the UQFN package.
