View Full Version : PIC received buffers don't match PC sent buffers via USB

- 4th June 2010, 03:48
After finally resolving the USB TX interface from the PIC to the PC I am now trying to resolve the RX interface at the PIC from the PC. I am seeing a strange anomaly that I have not been able to trace. Any advice or help on this would be greatly appreciated.
I can see that the Buffers being sent by the PC are correct. But the values received at the PIC don't match what was sent by the PC....I know this because I stepped the PBPro code with MCSP ICD to see what each corresponding buffer value was when received. Here is a table showing the transmitted and corresponding received values:
Sent by PC Rcvd by PIC
1 1
05 4
04 3
03 5
05 3
04 9
09 0

It is almost like the sent values were scrambled onto different receive buffers.
Here is the PC VB6 code that is transmitting the buffers and I will also list the PBPro code for the PIC's receiving buffers:

' Send BCD clock setting via USB to the FillMonitor to reset real-time-clock
' BufferOut(0) = Report id => always 0
'Set FM reset flag if resetting EEPROM data & restarting the MCU
If FMReset = True Then
BufferOut(1) = 1
BufferOut(1) = 0
End If
BufferOut(2) = CInt(strTime_hr) ' first data item, etc etc
BufferOut(3) = CInt(strTime_mins)
BufferOut(4) = CInt(strTime_secs)
BufferOut(5) = CInt(strDate_Month)
BufferOut(6) = CInt(strDate_Day)
BufferOut(7) = CInt(strDate_ Year)
' BufferOut(8) = n/a = 0

Here is the PIC PBPro code on the receive side:

' BufferIn (PC to PIC) Structure
'BufferIn(0) = ReportID => always 0
'BufferIn(1) is sent by PC as PORTB settings but used as a Flag
'ResetFM = BufferIn(1) ' PORTB is FM Reset flag..if set restarts MCU
'corHr = BufferIn(2) ' Corrected Hr setting from PC
'corMINs = BufferIn(3) ' Corrected MINs setting from PC
'corSecs = BufferIn(4) ' Corrected Secs setting from PC
'corMon = BufferIn(5) ' Corrected Mon setting from PC
'corDate = BufferIn(6) ' Corrected Date from PC
'corYr = BufferIn(7) ' Corrected Yr from PC
' Receive corrected FMReset flag/time/date from PC
ARRAYREAD USBRXBuffer,[ReportID,ResetFM,corHr,corMINs,corSecs, _
IF ReportID = 0 Then ' Check for valid RX report
Write 224,ResetFM ' Record FM Reset flag state in EEPROM
WRITE 225,corMon ' Update PIC date/time from PC corrections
WRITE 226,corDate
WRITE 227,corYr
WRITE 228,corHr
Write 229,corMINS
Write 230,corSecs
' If FMReset flag set, reset RTC time to corrected time
HIGH ext_pwr ' Temporarily turn on power to SRF02 for I2C bus use
PAUSE 70 ' Delay to let I2C bus stabilize after SRF02 turn on
'I2CWrite SDA, SCL, RTCdevice, SecReg,[corSecs,corMINs,Corhr,day, _
' corDate,corMon,corYr]

- 4th June 2010, 05:13

If you are using the EasyHID software you need to send the whole array of data, which is 8 bytes of data at a time. I have been using using this method for my latest project without any problems.

Now, this is what I found out. The range of an array of data that you sent in VB6 would be between 1 an 8. The same array of data would have a range between 0 and 7 in PBP. In other words, a byte Data[1] in VB6 is the byte Data[0] in PBP, a byte Data[2] in VB6 is the byte Data[1] in PBP, and so on. Don't ask me why, I didn't write the EasyHID program.

I hope that this helps. Let us know if you have any problems.


- 4th June 2010, 07:20
Now, this is what I found out. The range of an array of data that you sent in VB6 would be between 1 an 8. The same array of data would have a range between 0 and 7 in PBP. In other words, a byte Data[1] in VB6 is the byte Data[0] in PBP, a byte Data[2] in VB6 is the byte Data[1] in PBP, and so on. Don't ask me why, I didn't write the EasyHID program.

By incrementing the index by one on my VB6 buffers for the data the PBPro incoming buffers picked up the right data. Thanks for solving this problem for me!