View Full Version : My DT interupt is broken

- 10th May 2010, 09:58
Hi all
I have gotten a new computer and of course the things that used to work does not work anymore. Oh yes, I also have upgraded to PBP2.60 and MPLAB 8.33 and I am compiling for 18F4620 or that is what I try to do :)

When I include the brilliant DT files they make the compiler unhappy. Yes the files are in the PBP folder and I get this error code:

ERROR: Unable to execute mpasmwin.Error[116] C:\PROD\X-10 G4 SPEL\INT GEN 4 VAST.ASM 940 : Address label duplicated or different in second pass (Z00031)
Error[116] C:\PROD\X-10 G4 SPEL\INT GEN 4 VAST.ASM 1003 : Address label duplicated or different in second pass (Z00032)
Error[116] C:\PROD\X-10 G4 SPEL\INT GEN 4 VAST.ASM 1056 : Address label duplicated or different in second pass (Z00033)
Error[116] C:\PROD\X-10 G4 SPEL\INT GEN 4 VAST.ASM 1087 : Address label duplicated or different in second pass (Z00034)
Halting build on first failure as requested.
BUILD FAILED: Mon May 10 10:39:18 2010
If I look in the ASM file for Z00031 I find this:

; C:\PBP\DT_INTS-18.BAS 00313 Z00031 asm


; -- Added for ver. 3.2 --
ifdef SPPIF ;----{ Streaming Parallel Port Read/Write }--[PIR1, SPPIF]---
ifdef BCL1IF ;----{ Bus 1 Collision }--------------------[PIR2, BCL1IF]---I bet someone have seen this before or at least can give me a clue where to go hunting or do I need Mr DT to go hunting in the 3.2 version upgrade?
I need my DT interupts!

- 10th May 2010, 10:37
Hi, Sinoteq

You should upgrade MPLAB to 8.50 ...

friendly advice ...

I saw this problem a while ago ... I think I have posted in the DT Interrupts section. I sent a Mail to Melabs too ...


BTW ... I just installed an unused PBP in its default folder ( the "used" PBP program is in the MPLAB folder !!! ) ... and everything went fine.
Melabs didn't have a word about that ... shhhht, do not repeat it !!!

- 10th May 2010, 13:56
Thank you for your advice but the problem still exist with MPLAB 8.50 I have erased everything from my program except the Includes for the DT files but it still comes out as error.

Any other ideas?

One more question: What is the option -k# in the command line? I can only find -k- and -k+ in the manual

- 10th May 2010, 15:28
Do you have the newest version of DT_INTS18 v3.4? You need that for 2.60. It can be found here:


- 10th May 2010, 15:40
Thank you very much, I am now the lucky owner of working DT interupts again. Maybe, just maybe mr T should release this on the website so more people can find it.