View Full Version : how to display data receiving from xbee to LCD

- 10th May 2010, 07:38
i'm currently working on a project dealing with PIC16F886. in this project i need to show data that been transmitted from a sensor node using XBEE transceiver to a coordinator which also use XBEE. At the same time, i need to display the data to LCD. any suggestion?
i'm using pic basic.

- 13th November 2010, 22:15
Are you using a serial LCD or a 8-bit/4-bit set up for the LCD?
If using it in 4-bit or 8-bit you should be able to do.

LCDOUT $FE, 1, "Hello"

'example code that will clear display and then show Hello on first line of LCD screen.

- 19th November 2010, 21:24
Are you looking for help on the whole thing (i.e. how to communicate between xbee's, what to LCD to buy, how to communicate to an LCD) or something more specific?

I am doing a project involving Xbees using the "version 1"', a 16f628, and a Paralax serial LCD which is easy to communicate to (provide it power, ground, and talking serially with one pin using serout)

Up and running with transparent communication mode.

Just now getting API mode going (1 in API mode, 1 receiving in transparent (which works)). Next step is to receive in API mode which is a little more complicated since you have to extract data from packet.

- Joe.