View Full Version : PIC16F676 Troubles

- 23rd February 2005, 11:51

I am having trouble trying to use this pic. I have version 2.33 of PBP. This is the code:

define OSC 20
define adc_bits 10
define adc_sampleus 50
ANSEL = 1 'channel 0 analog all others digital
ADCON0 = 129 'a/d control register setup
ADCON1 = 96 'fosc/64

ctrlv var porta.0

But i get an error when compiling at the ANSEL line.
Am i going to have to upgrade to the latest version of PBP to use this pic (hope not im skint) or am i doing somthing wrong?

I wish to use 20MHz osc, external MCLR, a/d on porta.0, all other pins digital.

- 23rd February 2005, 13:58
Hi Bob,

I'm not sure at all PBP 2.33 supports this new processor ...
and you' ll have to buy an upgrade ...

or is it an "old" 16 F 876 processor ???


- 23rd February 2005, 15:02
Hi Alain,

I have established that I do need a new version to use this pic. Not as pricey as I expected. less than 20 english pounds. If I can get confirmation of purchase from ME Labs that is. Although already having upgraded from PBC I will have paid a total of £320 for PBP (£500 if i cant get any proof of purchase). Not Happy!!!! Am asking myself if it was really worth it. Could have just percevered a little & learned to use assembly at a cost of £0...



- 23rd February 2005, 15:16
I know PicBasicPro is not really given, but I can say one thing: I'd never been using pics for my model planes without it, The result is always as I hope ...
Other Cheaper Basics do not offer so much functions and an open library like this;
also Remember you can add the functions you write to the lib ... better than sub's.

Great tool, no lost time in developpement nor debugging ...

You pay for this saved time ... for NO BUGS , and for MPLAB entire compatibility ...

Remember: on the web, things mostly offer you what you've paid for ...


- 23rd February 2005, 16:40
Hi bob,

You pay in £ ... what about www.selectronic.fr ( licensed distributor ) for PBP ...
costs 265 Euros, update 23 Euros

Have a look to !


- 23rd February 2005, 16:56
Thanks Alain, but i do have a uk distributor. Just need the proof of purchase from ME Labs, I cant find the original invoice. In the past you only had to fax them a photocopy of the manual front cover. But I guess there has been much piracy, so now you need a copy of the invoice...


- 23rd February 2005, 20:56
mmm, when i bought my Compiler from Reynolds Electronics in the past. Bruce was and he's still smart enough too keep track of his customer only by the credit card # used.

In your case... you'll probably need to pay FULL $ for it. Or maybe you'll find it somewhere in a peer-to-peer place... BUT probably not virus free and complete.

Good luck!!!

- 24th February 2005, 16:35

Have managed to find the invoice, cant beleive it. So have ordered an upgrade today.


- 24th February 2005, 17:08

if you're like me (in some case) you'll throw them away. Most of the time all my benchs (5 of them here) looks like the appended.. not proud but looks 'hard work in progress'


- 25th February 2005, 13:43
That looks like my bench!

Have received my upgrade, and compiled my code. Great. Now my programmer needs updating. Have ordered a pic to do that with, will now be delayed another few days.

These things are sent to try us...



- 25th February 2005, 21:01
Hello STeve,

Nice FLUKE!! I love those Flukes...

I have you ever tried the Fluke 123 scope?? if you think that Fluke 83? VOM of your is a tough scope.... Check out their Scopes... Worth every penny of it IMO.


PS I don't think you want to see my desk...They would complain about too much weight / Pix ratio.

- 25th February 2005, 23:43
Hi Dwayne, yep i already have a 123 scope. The multimeter on the picture is an Fluke 189. It's one of my favourite. I still have an old version of the 77 serie... many years ago now but still working. Few old VOM too... still handy for some cases.

As scope i have Tektronik TDS 210, Tektronik TDS2000, Fluke 123 and a Fluke 190, 2 other BK Precision analog dual traces scope(20Mhz and 40Mhz), and a real amazing IFR COM120B for all my R.F. need... i know you know those IFR stuff. A yeah i forget... probably because i didn't use this since many years now, A REALLY OLD LAMP SCOPE tektronik Type 561A... i'll try to find it and post you a pic of it... 1Mhz or 5 as i remind... not too handy but still working. great to heat up the place or a museum... i still have the service manual... hehe

- 26th February 2005, 14:12

The original message was "I am having trouble trying to use this pic. I have version 2.33 of PBP. This is the code:...." and more than 140 people have visited this.

Isn't it time for some one to address the technical issues rather than use this forum to parade their antique hardwares and "messy" workplace?

Or have we changed rules with the new user interface for non-technical musings?


- 27th February 2005, 10:01
ooooooh i'm sorry Mr Warrier for all those extra stuff we had place in here.

Please, dear all forum readers, accept my apologies for the mess of time i cause you to read my non-topic related stuff.