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View Full Version : Electronic Components Giveaway

- 15th April 2010, 16:50
This will be a box, 5-3/8 x 8-5/8 x 1-5/8in., (see picture below) filled with all sorts of electronic components. Items will include many IC's (mostly thru-hole with some SMD including goodies like ULN2068 - 4x 1.5A Darlington drivers, voltage reulators), discretes (signal/power transistors, capacitors, resistors, LED's, 7-segment LED, switches, heat sinks, etc.), connectors (DB9/15, headers, etc.), IC sockets (DIP, PLCC, etc.) and other stuff such as piezo buzzers - and the occasional stepper motor, LCD etc.

No fancy packaging, anti-static, etc - bulk pack only. The price (to cover shipping and getting someone to pack these - its quite a bit of work) is US$10 to USA addresses and US$18 international - USPS Priority Mail shipping included in the price. PayPal to to rmteo.at.earthlink.net (replace .at. with @).

- 18th April 2010, 12:42
Hi I'm up for one, what do you have to do to win?

- 18th April 2010, 15:13
Hi I'm up for one, what do you have to do to win?
Nothing really. Just PayPal US$18 (or $10 if in the USA) for each box of components to the e-mail address in the original post.

- 24th April 2010, 23:58
Hi Rene,
Since I do still use TH for repairs, development, and one-offs, I would appreciate my very own box of goodies! Besides, $10 is cheap for the fun of opening a gift box.

Thanks again for your generosity. I still use your serial LCD for development.

Paypal should be on the way..
