View Full Version : Test my Embedded Web Server!

- 5th April 2010, 13:04
Hi Guys,

I have built a pic based web server from a kit in a magazine.
It's not my own hardware or software design. It's written in Microchip C (C30 Compiler).
I would like some people to try it out:


Please use this next link ONLY if the link above doesn't work!

Please report if you were able to connect, and with what browser.
I know the server works best with Firefox, and has issues with some versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer.

It works for me locally every time, but it's temperamental when I use the external address. I don't know if it is reliable for external visitors.
Only the index.htm page is hosted by the server.
All links on the page direct to outside hosting.
Cheers, Art.

- 5th April 2010, 13:11
Hi Art,
Just tried both links without being able to connect - using IE8.0


- 5th April 2010, 13:34
I think my IP changed and the DNS didn't catch it.


- 5th April 2010, 13:55
Yep, now the first link in your latest message works. The second one (http://art.redirectme.net:8181/) does not work for me though.

- 5th April 2010, 14:01
Well that sux.
that's my dns problem maybe.
I'll try another free dns provider.

- 5th April 2010, 14:44

Is working..

- 5th April 2010, 15:50
I get a timed out error.

Hey Art, can you tell us which magazine had the article?



- 5th April 2010, 21:58
It's an Australian magazine, Silicon Chip.
The project was spread over about five issues from November 2009.
I think this issue had the last article about it which was just a FAQ.


I'm really happy with it, and plan to make at least one more.

- 6th April 2010, 01:33
http://art.redirectme.net:8181/ works fine with firefox 3.6. The other address gives timeout.

Upper Portals, Mount Barney National Park, nice picture Art!


- 7th April 2010, 12:08
Upper Portals, Mount Barney National Park, nice picture Art!
Thanks :) but as soon as you navigate away from index.htm you are off the
embedded server, and seeing content hosted by freewebs.

Good to see it works some of the time :rolleyes: I know it has issues with
some versions of Microsoft IE, but it doesn't always respond here if I use
the outside link. It works every time if I use it's local IP on my LAN.

Cool thing is I've got it's source code, and a new 60 day trial of Microchip's
C-30 compiler to see what I can do with it!

- 7th April 2010, 16:05
Now if some coding genius (that leaves me out) could just port the "C" over to PBP for us basic heads then we could all have fun with it:D

I would LOVE to have a home web server that I could log into, get temperature or other status inputs, turn on/off outputs and such.

I was able to log into it using the redirect link but not the direct IP, Using IE7
from Utah, USA


- 7th April 2010, 18:26
Checked the first link of first post. Works for me using Firefox 3.5.9

- 7th April 2010, 19:33

In one of my computers the link doesn't work. This computer has IE 6.0 with service pack 2.


- 7th April 2010, 22:45
Now if some coding genius (that leaves me out) could just port the "C" over to PBP for us basic heads then we could all have fun with it

It's a shame PBP doesn't support a lot of the newer pics.
This one is a dspic33j64gp802.

- 8th April 2010, 12:48
The http://art.redirectme.net:8181/ works fine. The other nop.

I once wanted to do this in PBP, but got disappointed. My next idea was to use Tibbo products.


- 8th April 2010, 14:23
The http://art.redirectme.net:8181/
I once wanted to do this in PBP, but got disappointed. My next idea was to use Tibbo products.

Probably a dumb question ... but... Do you think the code from Microchip's AN833 could be compiled into assembly include files? Changing the below code for PBP looks doable, just not sure about the possibility of getting the C files (StackTsk.h, Tick.h and http.h) into includes for PBP in some way.


// Declare this file as main application file
#include “StackTsk.h”
#include “Tick.h”
#include “dhcp.h” // Only if DHCP is used.
#include “http.h” // Only if HTTP is used.
#include “ftp.h” // Only if FTP is used.
// Other application specific include files
// Main entry point
void main(void)
// Perform application specific initialization
// Initialize Stack components.
// If StackApplication is used, initialize it too.
HTTPInit(); // Only if HTTP is used.
FTPInit(); // Only if FTP is used.
// Enter into infinite program loop
// Update tick count. Can be done via interrupt.
// Let Stack Manager perform its task.
// Let any Stack application perform its task.
HTTPServer(); // Only if HTTP is used.
FTPServer(); // Only if FTP is used.
// Application logic resides here.

Here is a product that uses the hardware mentioned in this application note:

- 8th April 2010, 22:53
I find it difficult. But if one knows C at a level that can read the code, why botherdo it in PBP?


- 9th April 2010, 03:14
I find it difficult. But if one knows C at a level that can read the code, why botherdo it in PBP?


Thanks Ionnis. Unfortunately, I can't do C ... well other than flash an LED.

It is unfortunate though. All the Microchip's ANxxx used to be written in assembly. With some modifications, we were able to use these as includes files with our PBP. Now Microchip seems to be using C exclusively in their more recent examples, and I don't see any assembly examples. Without a way to include the C files, we can't use the examples, and that it is a shame.

- 9th April 2010, 03:28
Dumb question...
When a C file is compiled in MPLAB is an ASM file generated?
Or does it go straight to HEX?

- 9th April 2010, 09:28
I am sure that compiler outputs both asm and hex files.

I smell wat you are cooking, but I believe that the produced asm file is quite difficult to read.


- 10th April 2010, 14:06
When you're using a Microchip C compiler there is no asm file.
There appear to be a few files on the way to hex, but at a glance,
there doesn't look to be anything I can read.

This code ends up on a 16 bit dspic that PBP doesn't support.
The code in this server is based on what you have posted here,
but with addition of SD card support and some other things.

- 10th April 2010, 14:22
Well that blows that idea.