View Full Version : Is there a speed limit using CodeLite

- 20th February 2005, 04:13
I just realized that my 16F877 is probably running at 20MHZ.
Is there a set-up in CodeLite to set the PIC Speed or will I need the Full Version?

- 20th February 2005, 10:53
hein? since awhile i didn't heard about CodeLite....i was in love with this editor in the past... auto code completion was one of my favorite option... but CodeLite is still only a text editor... BTW

I just realized that my 16F877 is probably running at 20MHZ.

Probably or is running at 20MHZ...look on the crystal. If nothing works it can be few things

1. you didn't set HS oscillator when programming

2. you didn't add DEFINE OSC 20 at the top of your code

3. you didn't select the right device version into your programmer utility

and some others

- 20th February 2005, 13:09
Thanks Man,
It was your item 2. I wasn't setting the correct Osc Speed, in this case 20MHZ. DEFINE OSC 20