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View Full Version : SEcond wish is PIC codes Wizard

- 16th March 2010, 14:56
Hi All,
In practical applications easy to use analog /logic IC to build working devices.
For automation purposes it is easy to use PLC they are cheap now.
Unfortunately cost of PIC and developing hardware and software is high than when using IC.
So my wish is PIC codes Wizard for cost of $50 that able to generate working codes or working program in easy and fast way.Generated program for choosen PIC will be ready to use :cool:after PIC programming .
Next step is to improving program where beginners able to learn in faster way than now.
Best wishes to All

- 16th March 2010, 15:31
For automation purposes it is easy to use PLC they are cheap now.
Unfortunately cost of PIC and developing hardware and software is high than when using IC.
So my wish is PIC codes Wizard for cost of $50 that able to generate working codes or working program in easy and fast way.

Yes, you can buy cheap used PLC's or cheap off brands maybe. But last time we bought third party programming software for a Siemens PLC, it cost my company $899. And last time we bought Rockwell A/B software, it cost a couple grand. I would not say either is easier to use than PicBasic, but maybe PLC Direct or some other brand is cheaper and easier to use, I just never have been exposed to them.

But if you really like ladder logic, you might like this. It is free. I never got around to trying it, but for anyone familiar with ladder logic, it might be just what they need.


- 16th March 2010, 16:33

I think Elektor raised a cheap PLC project ... some years ago.

Soft, and all goodies still available from the editor's site ...


- 16th March 2010, 23:00
pic basic has similar structures to PHP...
But more importantly, it's BASIC, Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code... As it was was used on spectrum's, commodore's and amega's etc back in the 80's...

The only way you can get simpler is to use a GUI with flow diagram style utility...
However, the question is, the easier you make something to use the more numptys you get trying to do stupid things and blowing themselves up...
Or worse, giving a terrorist the capability to create a GPS guided smart bomb/missile!

IMHO, if you can't figure out how to use BASIC then you should not be trying to do it...

- 17th March 2010, 06:57
There is in fact a graphical programming package available for the PIC. It's from MatrixMultimedia: http://www.matrixmultimedia.com/Flowcode3a-X.php

I looked at the demo and it seems kind of neat. The "idea" is there and the tool looks robust. It is not a panacea; it still requires that you understand what it is that you are doing and can "fill-in" the correct information in the right places. I've seen similiar dedicated packages for audio DSP's and such that used a graphical environment for drag-n-drop of modules to create an application. Though I respect what they are doing (call me a snob) I think the graphical aspect of the overall package is kind of ugly...

I've been recently using Labview (not for PIC's; for doing optical recognition on a new manufacturing machine we're designing at "work"). This has come a long way with the drag-n-drop graphical programming. Again however, you can't be a "numpty" using it :D

Mike Tripoli

- 18th March 2010, 12:52
Hi All,
Thank you for very useful advices, links.
Problem is that each software has limitations so PICBSIC Pro included.
After years in engineering fields simple blink and dice programs does not help
to solve problems with own projects because of complicity.
For time frames from one to 10mSec many PICBASIC PRO statements works well.
If I am trying go to tenth uSEc time frames I have to go to use assembler.
I bought two PIC kits such as LC meter and 50Mhz frequency counter and after testing
I found that better to try learn and continue experimencing with PICs and PIC software.
Here is below attached draw picture that explain one part of my PIC project I want to continue with PICBASIC PRO or to use assembler statements.

Right now I am on crossroads where one road is PICBASIC PRO second one is assembler third one is PIC itself and the last one is do something else.
Because I am not working as software developer I am asking
for your advice where I can start with my project:
Is it possible to get 1 sample of analog signal and transform
to 8bit sample by PIC in 500nSec period of time?
What kind PIC can I use (with internal 8 bit ADC or external)?
How to store and where (RAM or Registry) 1 samples of 8bit data
in such short period of time-500nSec or 10 samples in total period of time 500uSec?
Where can I find time chart for each statement in PICBASIC PRO or assembler?
If this disscusion on Wish section is not match so we can move to PIC codes section as well.Any practical ideas appreciate.
Best Regards to All;)

- 18th March 2010, 14:39
Hi, Hardcore

I Think you are dreaming too much ...

take a 18F2xK20 @ 64 Mhz ...

makes 63 ns per instruction ...

How do you think to be able to sample ( and at least store !!! ) your values having 8 " asm commands " available ??? ( sampling time not included ... see datasheet !!! )

just take a recent 8 bits Pic, and write your .asm code just for 1 sample ... how long ???

you have to jump to much more powerful devices ... that's all !!!

It's not a PicBasic Problem .... as even asm coding can't allow it !!!


- 18th March 2010, 16:07
Hi Alain,
Just want to solve the puzzle.
So PIC and PICBASIC PRO or Assembler do not helpful in present case.
Main point of solving the problem is to make 8 bit ADC external.
So 8bit equal 256. Single cycle of conversation is 500nSec / 256 is equal 1.95 nSEC.
Crystal clock has to be 512 MHz then divided by ~25 will get 20Mhz that will feed PIC.
From this point of you are right and I agree with you.
If we decide to take 4bits ADC conversations or 16 steps 500nSec/16 is equal 32 MHz.
It is close to final.
If external ADC has build in comparator and RC circuit conversations can be done in 200nSec.External clock is 80 MHz.
So we have extra 300nSec + 500nSec is equal 800nSEc that means we can use
four instruction for reading from 4bits PORT and storing in external 4bits PORT storage like RAM data by 40Mhz PIC16F.
Where am I wrong?
Best Regards

- 18th March 2010, 17:56
Hi All,
In practical applications easy to use analog /logic IC to build working devices.
For automation purposes it is easy to use PLC they are cheap now.
Unfortunately cost of PIC and developing hardware and software is high than when using IC.
So my wish is PIC codes Wizard for cost of $50 that able to generate working codes or working program in easy and fast way.Generated program for choosen PIC will be ready to use :cool:after PIC programming .
Next step is to improving program where beginners able to learn in faster way than now.
Best wishes to All

Actually you already have it. It's called the MANUAL and it comes FREE with every copy of PBP. By refering to the MANUAL you will "be able to generate working codes or working program in easy and fast way". I refer you to my reply to you fourth wish.

- 19th March 2010, 13:37
Hi Melanie,
So I like your sense of humor about education.
Lets me split it in two categories:
1.Education taken for professional evaluation and learning about common knowledge.
2.Professional experience in one field for long period of time to learn
occupational Tip and Tricks.
So I respect you knowledge in PIC programming.
Sorry I did not explain what I mean in second wish:
It is about Graphical PICBASIC PRO User Interface that let user to input by drag and drop impulses on real time flowchart with needed resolution to output, impulses on input lines, enable interrupt processing by pointing in spots on chosen real-time flowchart.
After that PICBASIC Pro have to generate pbp, bas, asm, and hex files.
A graphical user interface will allows people to interact with programs in more ways than typing statement by statement and uses visual feedback to the user as much as possible.
So after all it is my expectation for future development of PICBASIC PRO that let us:
•Easy to Learn
•Easy to remember how to Use
•Effective to Use
•Efficient to Use
•Safe to Use
•Enjoyable To Use
If we able see 3-5 years ahead so it is high probability that Graphic interfaces will be implemented in wide range of software spectrum.
Try to make patent search for last years and you will see that a graphical user interface
is reality Want we it or NOT.
Better to be prepared.
Best Regards to All

- 19th March 2010, 13:50
Hardcore - I already posted that this exists, in this thread...


I don't get it...

- 19th March 2010, 14:45
Hi mtripoli,
Big thanks for your link.
Needs time to look in subject so definitely I will do it.
Right now I have few PIC16F84A, PICF628, PIC16F88 and need to find solution how to use them for my applications.Had mistake and bought them to learn about possible usage.
Later ideas of my projects comes up.
It is like unfinished job and I want to finish it before switch vector to other
Thanks for any ideas.
Best Regards:cool: